Versys® insecticide quickly stops aphid and whitefly damage in fruits and vegetables.
Begin applications once locally recommended thresholds are reached.
Crop |
Pests |
Application Rates |
Brassica vegetables1 |
Cabbage aphid, green peach aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Sweet potato whitefly, silverleaf whitefly |
142 to 202 ml/ac (0.35 to 0.5 L/ha) |
Cucurbit vegetables1 |
Melon aphid, green peach aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Sweet potato whitefly, silverleaf whitefly |
142 to 202 ml/ac (0.35 to 0.5 L/ha) |
Fruiting vegetables1 |
Green peach aphid, potato aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Sweet potato whitefly, silverleaf whitefly |
142 to 202 ml/ac (0.35 to 0.5 L/ha) |
Leafy vegetables1 |
Green peach aphid, potato aphid, lettuce aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Sweet potato whitefly, silverleaf whitefly |
142 to 202 ml/ac (0.35 to 0.5 L/ha) |
Leaf petioles vegetables1 |
Green peach aphid, potato aphid, lettuce aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Sweet potato whitefly, silverleaf whitefly |
142 to 202 ml/ac (0.35 to 0.5 L/ha) |
Tuberous and corm vegetables1 |
Green peach aphid, potato aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Sweet potato whitefly, silverleaf whitefly |
142 to 202 ml/ac (0.35 to 0.5 L/ha) |
Pome fruits2 | Rosy apple aphid, green apple aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Stone fruits3 | Rusty plum aphid, black cherry aphid, mealy plum aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
Tree nuts3 |
Little hickory aphid, yellow pecan aphid, black marginated aphid |
40.5 ml/ac (0.1 L/ha) |
1 Do not apply more than 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha) per year.
2 Do not apply more than 202 ml/ac (0.5 L/ha) per year.
3 Do not apply more than 81 ml/ac (0.2 L/ha) per year.
Water volume
Ground application
40 L/ac (10 gal/ac) minimum (ensure thorough coverage)
Mixing order
1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 full of clean water and start agitation.
2. Add the correct amount of Versys and continue to agitate until mixed.
3. If tank mix is being applied, add the correct amount while continuing agitation.
4. Clean the spray tank after use.
Pre-harvest interval
7 days after application for pome fruits, stone fruits, tree nuts and tuberous and corm vegetables.
Contact BASF Ag Solutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) or your BASF Sales Representative for more information on supported tank mixes.
0 months after application (same season)
Brassica head and stem vegetables, cucurbits, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, soybeans, tuberous and corn vegetables (including potatoes) and root crops.
2 months after application
All other crops not listed on label when the maximum seasonal rate is 89.03 ml/ac (0.22 L/ha).
4 months after application
All other crops not listed on label when the maximum seasonal rate is 505.86 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha).