close up of an apple tree with ripe apples
product name - Nealta miticide


Group 25

A unique mode of action for exceptional mite control – no matter the life stage.

  • Knockdown and residual control of European red mites, two-spotted spider mites and McDaniel spider mites at all life stages of mites, including eggs
  • Group 25 active ingredient is highly effective against mites that may have developed tolerance to other acaricides
  • Safe for beneficial insects including bees, as well as predatory mites and insects

Labels & SDS


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Nealta

  • Nealta prevents mites’ cells from utilizing the energy they need, leading to paralysis & death.
  • Because Nealta is safe on predatory mites and insects, populations of these beneficials will remain in the crop, helping to control rebounding levels of target mites at the end of the spray interval.

Product Info & Application Guide

When to Apply

  • Apply Nealta before damage thresholds are observed or when local specialists report populations are building.
  • Because Nealta controls all life stages of target mites, including eggs, there is no need to delay application until eggs have hatched.

How Much to Apply

  • Apply Nealta at 1 L/ha (400 mL/acre)


Registered Crops

  • Grapes
  • Hops
  • Pome fruit
  • Stone fruit
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes

Resistance Management Recommendations

  • Insecticide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting and record keeping, and considers pest thresholds, as well as cultural, biological, and other chemical control practices
  • Before using an insecticide, correctly identify the pest and monitor population levels in the crop. Only treat if action thresholds (i.e., pest numbers or damage level) are met or if forecasting models expect them to be met
  • Where possible, rotate the use of insecticides with different insecticide groups that control the same pests
  • DO NOT exceed the total number of applications of insecticide per year
  • Use tank mixtures with insecticides from a different group that are effective on the target pest when such use is permitted
  • Monitor treated pest populations for resistance development
  • If you suspect resistance, contact BASF or your local extension specialist
  • For more information on insecticide resistance best management practices, visit