If looking to liberate your fields from weeds, look no further than the LibertyLink® soybean system. The LibertyLink soybean system provides your fields with high-performing advanced genetics, powerful, broad-spectrum weed control, while also addressing resistance management.
Weed Type | Liberty® 200 SN |
Barynard grass | Control |
Bristly foxtail | Control |
Fall panicum | Control |
Giant foxtail | Control |
Green foxtail | Control |
Large crabgrass | Control |
Large crabgrass | Control |
Proso millet | Control |
Quackgrass | Suppression |
Volunteer barley | - |
Volunteer wheat | - |
Wild oats | Control |
Witchgrass | Control |
Yellow foxtail | Control |
Weed Type | Liberty 200 SN |
Canada thistle | Suppression |
Chickweed | Control |
Cleavers | - |
Common purslane | Control |
Common ragweed | Suppression |
Cow cockle | - |
Dandelion | - |
Eastern black nightshade | Control |
Field bindweed | Suppression |
Flixweed | - |
Green smartweed | - |
Hemp-nettle | - |
Jimsonweed | Control |
Kochia | - |
Lady’s thumb | Control |
Lamb’s quarters | Control |
Perennial sow thistle | Control |
Redroot pigweed | Control |
Round-leaved mallow | - |
Russian thistle | - |
Scentless chamomile | - |
Shepherd’s-purse | Control |
Stinkweed | Control |
Stork’s-bill | - |
Velvetleaf | Control |
Volunteer canola | - |
Volunteer flax | - |
Wild buckwheat | Control |
Wild mustard | Control |
Wormseed mustard | Control |