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Clearfield Production System for Lentils logo

The Clearfield® Production System for lentils is the only complete solution that delivers everything growers need to produce a great lentil crop. So why sell yourself short? Use the complete system to take advantage of:

  • A range of crop protection solutions – from pre-seed to in-crop weed control and fungicides
  • High-performance genetics in all major red and green lentil market classes


BASF's investment in the Crop Development Centre.

When growers register their 2025 Clearfield lentil acres, and purchase Clearfield lentil herbicides, a portion of the herbicide sale is invested in the Crop Development Centre (CDC) for future innovation and variety development. Since 2007, BASF has invested more than $12 million in CDC research.

Clearfield Lentils Infographic

Growing great lentils.

Mapping advances in Clearfield Production Systems for lentils.


BASF investments have resulted in 30 varieties of Clearfield lentils that are currently registered in the market across all major market classes – with increased yield and increased disease resistance – providing growers with more options that suit their farm.

Clearfield Lentils Graph


Always read and follow label directions.

Clearfield and the unique Clearfield symbol are registered trademarks of BASF; used under license by BASF Inc. © 2024 BASF Canada Inc.

Source: BASF, 2024

Weed Management

Cleaner fields give better yields. Clearfield lentil herbicides provide a wide range of options to provide you with a suitable choice for your specific weed pressure.


Weeds Controlled Odyssey® Ultra Solo®
Barnyard grass Control Control
Crabgrass (large) Control -
Fall panicum Control -
Green foxtail Control *,2 Control
Japanese Brome Control 1 Suppression
Persian darnel Control Control
Proso Millet Control -
Quackgrass Suppression 1 -
Volunteer barley Control Control
Volunteer canary seed - Control
Volunteer corn Control -
Volunteer durum wheat                 
- Control
Volunteer spring wheat
(non-Clearfield wheat)
Control Control
Volunteer tame oats Control Control
Volunteer wheat
(incl. Clearfield wheat)
Control -
Wild Millet Control -
Wild oats Control 2 Control
Witchgrass Control -
Yellow foxtail Control Control


Weeds Controlled Odyssey® Ultra Solo®
Chickweed Control * -
Cleavers Control * Suppression
Cow Cockle - Control
Flixweed Control -
Green smartweed Control Control
Hemp nettle Suppression -
Kochia - Suppression
Lamb’s quarters Suppression Control
Redroot pigweed Control * Control
Russian thistle Suppression Control
Round-leaved mallow - Suppression
Shepherd's purse Control * Control
Stinkweed Control * Control
Stork's bill Control * -
Volunteer canola (non-Clearfield) Control * Control
Volunteer tame mustard Control -
Wild buckwheat Suppression Suppression
Wild mustard Control * Control

* Multiple flushing weeds.
1 Not on current label. These weeds have been submitted to PMRA for approval and addition to the label.
2 Odyssey Ultra herbicide tank-mix will not control weed biotypes that have multiple resistance to both Group 1 and Group 2