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Clearfield Production System for Wheat logo

When two good things come together, great things happen.

Clearfield® wheat features top yielding genetics from high-performance varieties to help you grow the cleanest wheat. And with Altitude® FX 3 herbicide - specifically designed for use with the Clearfield Production System for wheat – control of grass and broadleaf weeds has reached new heights.

Weed Management

Cleaner fields give better yields. Clearfield wheat herbicides provide a wide range of options to provide you with the best choice for your specific weed pressure. See application rate with tank-mix partner.


Weed Type Altitude FX 3 + MCPA Altitude FX 3 + 2,4-D Altitude FX 3 + Curtail M
Barnyard grass Control Control Control
Foxtail (green, yellow) Control Control Control
Japanese brome grass Suppression Suppression Suppression
Persian darnel Control Control Control
Volunteer cereals3 Control Control Control
Wild oats Control Control Control


Weed Type Altitude FX 3 + MCPA Altitude FX 3 + 2,4-D Altitude FX 3 + Curtail M
Canada Thistle4 - Suppression Control
Chickweed Control Control Suppression
Cleavers1 Control Control Control
Cow cockle Control Control Control
Dandelion4 - Control Control
Green smartweed Control Control Control
Hemp-nettle Control Suppression Suppression
Kochia1 Control Control Control
Lamb's quarters Control Control Control
Perennial sow thistle - Suppression Control
Redroot pigweed Control Control Control
Round-leaved mallow Suppression Control Suppression
Russian thistle Suppression Control Suppression
Shepherd's-purse Control Control Control
Sow thistle - Suppression Control
Stinkweed Control Control Control
Stork's-bill Suppression Control Suppression
Volunteer canola2 Control Control Control
Volunteer flax Control Control Control
Wild buckwheat Control Control Control
Wild Mustard Control Control Control

1 Control of Group 2-resistant biotypes
2 Volunteer canola varieties only.
3 Barley, canary seed, oats, durum, non-Clearfield wheat.
4 Top growth control of established perennial weeds