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crop field


Group 6

Basagran provides post-emergent control of some of the most problematic broadleaf weeds.

  • A Group 6 herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds in dry and succulent beans, spring wheat (excluding durum).
  • A contact herbicide, with uptake occurring primarily through the leaves.
  • An important part of your resistance management strategy.

Labels & SDS


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources

Benefits of Basagran

  • Basagran works by contact action.
  • Because uptake into the plant occurs primarily through foliage, thorough coverage of the leaves is important for consistent weed control.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Basagran controls a variety of broadleaf weeds, including:

Bird rape
Canada thistle
Common chickweed
Common groundsel
Common ragweed
Corn spurry
Field bindweed (suppression only)
Hairy galinsoga
Hairy nightshade
Lady's thumb, or smartweed
Low cudweed
Redroot pigweed (suppression only)
Stork's bill
Volunteer canola
Wild mustard
Wild radish
Yellow nutsedge

Application Tips

Spraying Instructions

  1. Minimum spray volume is 40 L/ac (100 L/ha). Use larger water volumes (up to 160 L/ac or 400 L/ha) for weeds at the upper limit of their recommended stage of treatment.
  2. Minimum spray pressure is 275 kPa. Use higher pressure (up to 425 kPa) for weeds at the upper limit of their recommended stage for treatment.
  3. Use 1 litre of Assist or XA Oil Concentrate per 100 L of water with a maximum application rate of 0.8 L/ac (2L/ha). Under hot, humid conditions, restrict additive rate to 0.4 L/ac (1 L/ha). Alternatively, Citowett Plus may be used on peas at a rate of 2.5 L per 1000 L of spray solution only

When to Apply

Basagran is rainfast within 6-8 hours and should be applied in relation to the stage of weed growth. However, the crop must also be in a tolerant stage (shown below).


Application Timing

Dry beans

1 to 3 trifoliate leaves

Spring wheat (excluding durum)

2 to 4 leaves

How Much to Apply

  • Basagran is available in cases of two 9 L jugs.
  • Recommended rates: 0.7 - 0.9 L/ac (1.75 - 2.25 L/ha).

Basagran at 0.7 L/ac plus Assist® or XA Oil Concentrate at 0.4 - 0.8 L/ac


Recommended Treatment Height for Weeds (cm)

Bird rape*

2.5 - 5

Canada thistle

15 - 20


7.5 - 17.5

Field bindweed (suppression only)

2.5 - 6.0


2.5 - 5

Lady's thumb (smartweed)

2.5 - 7.5


Rosette - 10


Rosette - 5


5 - 10

Volunteer canola

2 - 15

Wild mustard

2.5 - 12.5

Yellow nutsedge

15 - 20

*Triazine resistant strains of these weeds are controlled by Basagran.
**Basagran will defoliate velvetleaf 15 cm or taller, but re-growth may occur.


Basagran at 0.9 L/ac plus Assist or XA Oil Concentrate at 0.4 - 0.8 L/ac


Recommended Treatment Height for Weeds (cm)

Bird rape*

5 - 10


5 - 10


4 - 8


17.5 - 30

Common chickweed

1 - 3 weeks after emergence

Common groundsel*

5 - 10

Common ragweed*

2.5 - 5

Corn spurry

2.5 - 10


5 - 10

Giant ragweed

5 - 15

Hairy galinsoga

5 - 7.5

Hairy nightshade

0.5 - 2


5 - 15

Lady's thumb (smartweed)

7.5 - 20


1.25 - 2.5

Low cudweed

2.5 - 5


2.5 - 5

Redroot pigweed* (suppression only)

1.25 - 3.75

Russian thistle

2.5 - 7.5


10 - 25


5 - 15

Stork's bill

4 - 10


10 - 15

Volunteer canola

2 - 15

Wild mustard

12.5 - 25

Wild radish

2 - 5

*Triazine resistant strains of these weeds are controlled by Basagran.
**Basagran will defoliate velvetleaf 15 cm or taller, but re-growth may occur.

Mixing Instructions

  1. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system.
  2. If required, add correct amount of nitrogen source. Do not add nitrogen source when mixing Basagran with Reflex or 2,4-D Amine or Ester and Assist or XA Oil Concentrate.
  3. If required, add the correct amount of Reflex or 2,4-D Amine or 2,4-D Ester. Continuous agitation is required to keep Reflex or 2,4-D Amine or Ester in suspension.
  4. Add correct amount of Basagran and agitate 2 – 3 minutes.
  5. Add correct amount of Assist, XA Oil Concentrate or Citowett Plus and agitate 2 – 3 minutes. When tank-mixing Basagran and Reflex or 2,4-D Amine or Ester, use only Assist or XA Oil Concentrate.
  6. Add remainder of water, agitate, and spray.

Tank Mixes

How to Tank Mix

  • Basagran can be tank-mixed with Reflex for use on dry common beans.
  • Basagran can be tank-mixed with 2, 4-D Amine or Ester formulation herbicide on wheat.

Dry Common Beans

  • Basagran can be tank-mixed with Reflex plus Assist or XA Oil Concentrate for suppression of redroot pigweed and control of lamb's-quarters, common ragweed, and lady's thumb.
  • When tank-mixed with 2,4-D Amine or Ester formulation, Basagran will control a wide range of broadleaf weeds when applied during the 2–4 leaf stage.