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Group 4 and Group 19


Powerful control of tough broadleaf weeds in corn or post-harvest applications.

  • Distinct herbicide for post-emergent weed control in corn, with safe season-long control of broadleaf weeds, including Sow thistle and Dandelions. In a post-emergent control application, every crop can follow Distinct in rotation with no follow crop restrictions.
  • Distinct herbicide for post-harvest weed control offers unique Group-4 chemistry for superior control of tough broadleaf weeds. Control includes Lamb’s quarters, Dandelion and Group-2 resistant biotypes, all with excellent follow crop flexibility.

Labels & SDS


Applicable On


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Distinct

For post-emergent control in corn:

  • Distinct offers powerful, one-pass weed control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and a wide spectrum of grass weeds when combined with other registered tank-mix products.
  • Distinct + Ultim® or Distinct + Accent® or Distinct + Option® deliver post-emergent control at the 2-to-6 leaf stage of corn.
  • Early post-emergent application provides residual control and excellent crop safety.

For post-harvest control:

  • Distinct uses a unique group-4 active ingredient to deliver powerful weed control of the toughest broadleaf weeds in one pass.
  • The active ingredient disrupts cell growth in both stems and leaves, effectively killing the weed. Treated weeds will display symptoms within several hours and be controlled within 3 - 7 days after application.
  • Distinct is rainfast 4 hours after application.

Performance Trials

Weed control in spring, following previous September application

Field Comparison: Untreated + Distinct + Glyphosate + Merge

Glyphosate-resistant kochia 61 days after herbicide application

Field Comparison: Glyphosate only + Distinct + glyphosate + Merge

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

For post-emergent control in corn:

  • For post-emergent control of weeds in corn, Distinct and the indicated tank-mixes with Distinct will control the following listed weeds.

Distinct and tank-mixes

Weeds controlled in post-emergent corn

Distinct will control:

Redroot pigweed

Common ragweed


Wild buckwheat



Canada thistle (top growth)1

Tall waterhemp

Biennial wormwood (2 to 8 leaf)

Common cocklebur (cotyledon to 6 leaf)

Giant ragweed2 (2 to 8 leaf)

Perennial sow thistle2 (2 to 10 leaf)

Volunteer adzuki beans (1 to 3 trifoliate)

Volunteer canola (coteyledon to 4 leaf)

Kochia3 (up to 15cm height)

Distinct + Ultim 75% DF will control:

Redroot pigweed

Common ragweed


Wild buckwheat




Barnyard Grass

Fall panicum

Green foxtail

Yellow foxtail (suppression)

Old witchgrass

Proso millet


Distinct + Accent 75 DF will control:

Redroot pigweed

Common ragweed


Wild buckwheat



Barnyard Grass

Fall panicum

Green foxtail

Yellow foxtail (suppression)

Old witchgrass


Distinct + Option 35 DF or Option 2.25 OD Liquid Herbicide will control:

Redroot pigweed

Common ragweed


Wild buckwheat



Canada thistle (top growth)

Common chickweed

Mustard (wild)

Mustard (wormseed)

Eastern black nightshade

Barnyard Grass, Crabgrass (large)

Fall panicum

Foxtail (bristly)

Foxtail (green)

Foxtail (yellow)

Proso millet




1 Top growth in summer application, control in a post-harvest application.
2 Suppression only.
3 Includes glyphosate-resistant biotypes at 115 g/ac (285 g/ha) application rate.


For post-harvest control:

  • Distinct herbicide, applied as directed at the listed rates for post-harvest, will control the following weeds. Refer to the glyphosate label for additional weeds controlled.



Distinct at 58 g/ac will control:

Dandelion (top growth)

Lamb’s quarters

Red root pigweed


Distinct at 116 g/ac will control:


Canada thistle (top growth)

Common cocklebur

Common ragweed

Lady’s thumb

Tall waterhemp


Wild Buckwheat


Application Tips

For post-emergent control in corn:

  • For a complete weed control program, tank-mix Distinct herbicide with Accent 75 DF, Ultim 75% DF or Option.
  • Only one application of Distinct is permitted per year.
  • Apply Distinct herbicide when air temperature is between 10°C and 25°C.

For post-harvest control:

  • Apply Distinct herbicide in 20 - 40 L/ac of water at a pressure of 240 kPa using ground equipment only.
  • For applications to dense weed infestations and thick canopies, use the higher water volume at pressures of 275 kPa.
  • Only one application of Distinct is permitted per year.
  • Apply Distinct herbicide when air temperature is between 10°C and 25°C.

When to Apply

For post-emergent control in corn:

  • Distinct can be applied to emerged and actively growing weeds in all tillage systems on corn from the 2- to 6-leaf stage of corn.

For post-harvest control:

  • For post-harvest treatments, Distinct should be applied when weeds are actively growing.

How Much to Apply

For post-emergent control in corn:

  • Apply the Distinct herbicide at 115 g/acre.
  • One jug of Distinct herbicide will treat 20 acres.
  • One case of Distinct herbicide will treat 40 acres.

Spray Additives for Post-emergence

For best adherence, Distinct requires additives for post-emergent treatments. The addition of non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v plus liquid nitrogen fertilizer 28-0-0 at 1.25% v/v is recommended under most conditions. You may substitute spray grade ammonium sulfate for liquid nitrogen fertilizer.

Mixing Instructions 

  1. Fill sprayer half-full with clean water and agitate.
  2. If you are tank-mixing with either Accent 75 DF or Ultim 37.4 DF, place the water-soluble PVA bags into the tank. If tank mixing with Option 35 DF, add the correct amount and continue agitation until thoroughly dispersed. Wait until fully dissolved and the product is evenly mixed.
  3. Measure and pour Distinct into the tank.
  4. Add appropriate adjuvant at the required rate for tank mixture partner in use.
  5. Add 28% UAN at appropriate rate for tank mixture partner in use.
  6. Add remaining amount of water and continue agitation while spraying completely.


For post-harvest control:

  • For post-harvest applications, Distinct herbicide should always be tank-mixed with glyphosate to provide broad-spectrum weed control.

Rates and water volume


Application Rate


Distinct herbicide

+ glyphosate

+ Merge® adjuvant

58 g/ac – 116 g/ac (143 g/ha – 285 g/ha)

+ 0.5 L/ac – 1.0 L/ac (1.25 L/ha – 2.5 L/ha)

+ 0.202 L/ac (0.5 L/ha)

Distinct herbicide

+ glyphosate



58 g/ac – 116 g/ac (143 g/ha – 285 g/ha)

+ 0.5 L/ac – 1.0 L/ac (1.25 L/ha – 2.5 L/ha)

+ 0.25% v/v

+ 1.25% v/v

Water volume

For application to larger weeds or for dense weed infestations, use a water volume of 40 L/ac.

20 L/ac – 40 L/ac

(50 L/ha – 100 L/ha)


Mixing Instructions and Order

  1. When using Distinct herbicide, always start with a clean sprayer. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. Refer to previously applied product labels for specific cleaning instructions.
  2. Fill sprayer 1/2 full with clean water and agitate.
  3. Add the correct amount of Distinct herbicide to the spray tank and continue agitation until completely dissolved and product is fully dispersed.
  4. Add recommended amount of glyphosate.
  5. Add the recommended amount of Merge adjuvant.
  6. For the non-ionic surfactant, add the recommended amount followed by UAN (28% N) to the tank last.
  7. Continue agitation while adding the remaining amount of water.
  8. If an oil film starts to build up in the tank, drain it and clean the tank with strong detergent solution.
  9. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer.

Dispose of all rinsings in accordance with provincial regulations.

Tank Mixes

For post-emergent control in corn:

  • For post-emergent control of weeds in corn, Distinct can be tank-mixed as listed in the following table.

Tank-mix partner

Distinct Rate

Broadleaf Weed Stage

Grassy Weed Stage

Non-ionic surfactant* + liquid urea ammonium nitrate (UAN)**

115 g/ac

Apply to active growth stage of seedling weeds (less than 5 cm tall).


Accent 75 DF + non-ionic surfactant plus UAN**

115 g/ac + 13.4 g/ac

Apply to active growth stage of seedling broadleaf weeds (less than 5 cm tall).

Apply to annual grasses in the 1 to 6 leaf stage and to quackgrass in the 3 to 6 leaf stage (10 to 20 cm).

Ultim 75 DF + non-ionic surfactant plus UAN**

115 g/ac + 13.4 g/ac

Apply to active growth stage of seedling broadleaf weeds (less than 5 cm tall).

Apply to annual grasses in the 1 to 6 leaf stage and to quackgrass in the 3 to 6 leaf stage (10 to 20 cm).


Option 35 DF + Hasten spray additive (0.3 L/ac) + UAN***


115 g/ac + 40 g/ac

Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds up to the 8 leaf stage.

Apply to annual grasses in the 1 to 6 leaf stage.


* Use at 0.25% v/v, i.e., 2.5 gallon per 1000 gallons of spray solution.
** Use at 1.25% v/v, i.e. 12.5 gallons per 1000 gallons of spray solution.
*** Use at 0.28% v/v, i.e. 2.8 gallons per 1000 gallons of spray solution.


For post-harvest control:

  • Distinct herbicide should always be tank-mixed with glyphosate to provide broad-spectrum weed control.

Follow Crops

You can safely seed the following crops if Distinct is applied prior to or between the following dates:

If Distinct is applied1 prior to September 1:

Wheat, barley, oats, canary seed, corn, canola, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, flax, field peas and sunflowers.


If Distinct is applied1 prior to October 1:

Wheat, barley, oats, canary seed, corn, canola, lentils, field peas and soybeans.


If Distinct is applied1 prior to October 15:

Wheat, barley, oats, canary seed and corn.


1 Distinct applied at 58 g/ac (143 g/ha). If higher rates are used, rotate to cereal crops or corn.