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close up of a corn field


Group 4 and Group 19


Selective post-emergent weed control for field corn. Complements glyphosate for superior chemfallow and post-harvest control.

  • Controls annual broadleaf weeds in post-emergent corn
  • Multiple modes of action with glyphosate to control resistant biotypes in chemfallow and post-harvest
  • Keeps fields cleaner to set them up for success the next season
  • Excellent follow-crop flexibility that includes pulses and canola
  • The only Group 19 herbicide in Canada

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

corn on the cob


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Distinct

  • Distinct uses its combination of group-19 and unique group-4 active ingredients to deliver powerful weed control by disrupting cell growth in both stems and leaves.
  • Distinct combined with Roundup provides 2 modes of action to control tough broadleaf weeds and resistant biotypes.
  • Distinct is an effective alternative to using a group-2 product in chemfallow and post-harvest applications.

Performance Trials

Weed control in spring, following previous September application

Field Comparison: Untreated + Distinct + Glyphosate + Merge

Glyphosate-resistant kochia 61 days after herbicide application

Field Comparison: Glyphosate only + Distinct + glyphosate + Merge

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

In field corn - Apply to actively growing weeds (except where indicated)

Biennial wormwood (2 to 8 leaf)
Canada thistle1
Common cocklebur (cotyledon to 6 leaf)
Common ragweed
Giant ragweed2 (2 to 8 leaf)
Kochia (up to 15 cm height)
Lady’s thumb
Lamb’s quarters
Perennial sow thistle2 (2 to 10 leaf)
Redroot pigweed
Tall waterhemp
Volunteer adzuki beans (1 to 3 trifoliate)
Volunteer canola (cotyledon to 4 leaf)
Wild buckwheat


In chemfallow and post-harvest - Apply to actively growing weeds (except where indicated)

Distinct at 58 g/ac tank mixed with glyphosate will control:

Lamb’s quarters
Narrow-leaved hawk’s beard
Redroot pigweed
Round-leaved mallow
Spiny annual sow thistle
Wild buckwheat


Distinct at 115 g/ac tank mixed with glyphosate will control

Biennial wormwood (2 to 8 leaf)
Canada thistle1
Common cocklebur (cotyledon to 6 leaf)
Common ragweed
Kochia3 (up to 15 cm height)
Lady’s thumb
Lamb’s quarters
Perennial sow thistle2 (2 to 10 leaf)
Redroot pigweed
Tall waterhemp
Volunteer canola (cotyledon to 4 leaf)
Wild buckwheat


1 Top growth.
2 Suppression only.
3 Includes glyphosate-resistant biotypes at 115 g/ac (285 g/ha) application rate.

Application Tips

Rainfastness – 4 hours.

For denser weeds and thick canopies, use the higher water volume.



Do not cut or graze corn for 75 days after application. See label for additional restrictions.

When to Apply

Application or crop Staging
Field corn 2 to 6 leaf
Chemfallow July to August
Post-harvest prior to first significant frost

How Much to Apply

One case of Distinct herbicide will treat 40 to 80 acres, depending on rate.


Field corn

Distinct herbicide

Non-ionic surfactant4

28% UAN4

115 g/ac (285 g/ha)

0.25% v/v

1.25% v/v

Chemfallow, post-harvest

Distinct herbicide

Glyphosate4 (360 g ae/L)

Merge adjuvant4

58 to 115 g/ac (143 to 285 g/ha)

0.51 to 1 L/ac (1.25 to 2.5 L/ha)

200 ml/ac (500 ml/ha)


4 Non-ionic surfactant, 28% UAN, glyphosate and Merge adjuvant are not included in the case.



Water volume

Ground application only 20 to 40 L/ac (5 to 10 gal/ac)



Mixing order
1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 full of clean water and start agitation.
2. Add the correct amount of Distinct herbicide and continue to agitate until product is completely dissolved and fully dispersed.
3. For chemfallow or post-harvest, add the correct amount of glyphosate while continuing agitation.
4. For chemfallow or post-harvest, add the recommended amount of Merge adjuvant or a 0.25% v/v of non-ionic surfactant, followed by 1.25% v/v 28% UAN. For field corn, add 0.25% v/v of non-ionic surfactant, followed by 1.25% v/v 28% UAN.
5. Continue agitation while adding the remaining amount of water.

Tank Mixes

Herbicide for chemfallow and post-harvest application: Glyphosate

None on label for field corn.


Contact your local BASF AgSolutions® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information on supported tank mixes.

Follow Crops

If Distinct is applied prior to September 1
Wheat, barley, oats, canary seed, corn, canola, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, flax, field peas and sunflowers.


If Distinct is applied5 prior to October 1
Wheat, barley, oats, canary seed, corn, canola, lentils, field peas and soybeans.

If Distinct is applied5 prior to October 15
Wheat, barley, oats, canary seed and corn.

5 Distinct applied at 58 g/ac (143 g/ha). If higher rate is used, rotate to cereal or corn crops only.


For more information: Call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) or visit agsolutions.ca.