An advanced dicamba formulation with lower-volatility properties for improved broadleaf control in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans.
use nozzles that deliver extremely coarse to ultra-coarse droplets.
Wind speed
spray when wind speeds are between 3 to 15 km/h.
Ground speed
maintain sprayer speed under 25 km/h.
Boom height
keep spray boom height no higher than 50 cm above crop canopy.
Sensitive crop awareness
identify neighbouring crop species.
Application volume
use a minimum spray volume of 10 GPA.
only use as required or recommended on product label.
Sprayer cleanout
triple rinse, use a detergent-based cleaner.
Weed Class |
List of Weeds |
Post-emergence in field corn and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans11 |
Buckwheat (tartary, wild) Canada fleabane12 Canada thistle13 Cleavers Corn spurry Cow cockle Field bindweed13 Green smartweed Lady's thumb Lamb’s quarters14 Mustards Perennial sow thistle13 Ragweed (common14, false, giant) Redroot pigweed14 Russian pigweed Velvetleaf |
Pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas |
Canada thistle Curled dock15 English daisy Field bindweed Goat’s beard16 Goldenrod Ground cherry16 Knapweed (diffuse)16 Pasture sage16 Perennial sow thistle Poverty weed16 Ragwort (tansy) Sheep sorrel16 Thyme-leaved spurge16 |
2 For a complete list of proper weed staging, please refer to the product label.
11 Controlled by Engenia alone at 200 ml/ac - 400 ml/ac (0.5 - 1 L/ha).
12 Post-emergence only.
13 Apply Engenia herbicide annually for three years at the flowering stage of bindweed and the budding stage of thistles.
14 Includes atrazine-resistant species in corn.
15 Top growth only.
16 Controlled with higher rate of Engenia. See label for details.
Rainfastness - 4 hours.
Do not apply Engenia if the crop is under seeded to legumes.
Water volume - Use higher water volumes to ensure adequate coverage.5
Pre-harvest interval
For application to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans: 7 - 10 days for soybean forage and 13 - 15 days for soybean hay.
See label for grazing restrictions.
5 See label for water rate application.
Crops |
Staging |
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans |
pre-plant, pre-emergence,post-emergence (up to early flower) |
Field corn |
up to 50 cm tall3 |
Pasture grasses |
established, actively growing |
Seedling grasses |
2 - 4 leaf |
3 Broadcast spray up to 20 cm, larger corn plants require drop nozzles.
One case will treat 40 - 80 acres of Roundup Ready Xtend soybeans, depending on rate used.
In-crop application4,5
Field corn, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans6,7,8,9 |
200 ml/ac - 400 ml/ac (500 ml/ha - 1000 ml/ha) |
Pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas4,5
For brush weed control10 |
680 ml/ac - 1180 ml/ac (1680 - 2920 ml/ha) |
For broadleaf weed control |
680 ml/ac - 1490 ml/ac (1680 ml/ha - 3680 ml/ha) |
Chemfallow, post-harvest |
400 ml/ac - 800 ml/ac (1000 ml/ha - 2000 ml/ha) |
Herbicides for corn: Frontier® Max, Aatrex® Liquid 480, Dual® II Magnum®, Primextra® II Magnum, Prowl® H2O, Ultim® 75% DF, Elim® EP Herbicide 25% DF
Herbicide for Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans: glyphosate11
4 See label for a complete list of additional available tank mixes and their rates. Tank mix options are not included in the case.
5 See label for water rate application.
6 Engenia can be used alone or in tank mix with glyphosate for additional broadleaf and grass weed control. See label for important details.
7 For application to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans, apply Engenia using nozzles that deliver extremely coarse to ultra-coarse spray droplets.
8 The 400 ml/ac rate of Engenia is to be used only once a season and should be used pre-plant, pre-emergence or in-crop early post-emergence.
9 793 ml/ac of Engenia is the maximum total to be applied in a single growing season.
10 Must be applied in tank mix, see label for tank mix partners.
11 Only use glyphosate products registered for use in soybeans. Do not tank-mix ENGENIA with glyphosate products where glyphosate is present as an ammonium salt.
Mixing order
For Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans, a plant-back interval of 120 days is required for all crops not on the Engenia label.
For chemfallow and post-harvest, see label for follow crops.