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Early stage corn field
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Group 14 & Group 15

A powerful combination of Group 14 and 15 chemistries for residual weed control in field corn when it matters.

  • Residual endurance: delivers residual control on a broad spectrum of grassy and broadleaf weeds, including resistant biotypes
  • Unique chemistry combination: first-of-its-kind solid-encapsulated herbicide technology that provides multiple modes of effective action
  • Flexibility: From pre-emergence to early post-emergence, the residual power of Surtain™ herbicide is an excellent tank-mix partner to Marksman® herbicide, Engenia® herbicide and atrazine plus glyphosate

Labels & SDS



Applicable On

applicable on - corn

Field corn

Labels & SDS

Additional Resources

Benefits of Surtain

  • Excellent residual control on tough weeds like lamb’s quarters, redroot pigweed, waterhemp, common ragweed, foxtail (giant, green, yellow), large crabgrass, barnyard grass
  • Flexible application timing from pre-emergence to early post-emergence
  • Combination of two powerful actives to provide multiple modes of effective action
  • Tank mix flexibility to customize with Marksman, Engenia or atrazine plus glyphosate
  • Compatibility with UAN and ATS (pre-emergent applications)

Performance Trials

Control of grassy and broadleaf weeds at 2 leaf application in field corn, 46 days after application

Comparison Images: Untreated vs. Acuron + Glyphosate vs. Surtain + Marksman + Glyphosate

Weed control efficacy at 2 leaf application in field corn


Comparison graph: Surtain + Marksman + Glyphosate vs. Surtain + Engenia + Glyphosate vs. Surtain + Callisto + Glyphosate vs. Acuron + Glyphosate

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Weed Class List of Weeds1


Common chickweed2

Common ragweed

Eastern black nightshade2


Lamb’s quarters

Palmer amaranth4

Redroot pigweed



Volunteer canola2


Wild buckwheat2

Wild mustard3


Barnyard grass3,6

Downy brome2

Fall panicum

Giant foxtail6,7

Green foxtail3

Japanese brome2

Large crabgrass                                            

Ryegrass (Italian)6,7

Wild oats2

Yellow foxtail3,6


1 Control at 405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha) and 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha).

2 Suppression only.

3 Suppression at 405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha) and control at 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha).

4 The level of control of this weed may be reduced on medium and fine textured soils at 405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha) and 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha).

5 Including biotypes resistant to Group 2, 5, 9, 14 and 27.

6 The level of control of this weed may be reduced on medium and fine textured soils at 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha).

7 Control only at 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha). 

Application Tips

Restricted entry interval – 12 hours.8


Avoid application when heavy rain is forecast.

DO NOT apply when winds are gusty.

DO NOT apply on peat or muck soils or soils with 7% or more organic matter.


Resistance management – Rotate the use of Surtain or other Group 14/15 herbicides within a growing season (sequence), or among growing seasons, with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field. Tank mix with herbicides from a different group.


Pre-harvest interval

60 days after application for field corn.9


8 Restricted entry interval to perform hand-set irrigation activities is 2 days.

9 Corn forage and silage can be used as feed or grazed 60 days or more after an early-season application of Surtain. 

When to apply

Crop  Staging 
Field corn pre-emergence, post-emergence up to 3 leaf

How much to apply

One case will treat 40 acres at the recommended rate of 405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha).


Field corn

405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha)

506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha)


Water volume
Ground application only          Minimum 40 L/ac (10 gal/ac)


Mixing order

  1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 full with clean water. Start agitation system.
  2. If using a wettable powder or water dispersible granule tank mix partner, add the correct amount to the tank and continue agitation until thoroughly dispersed.
  3. Using a calibrated measuring device, add the correct amount of Surtain. Continue to agitate.
  4. If required, add the correct amount of liquid, solution or suspension product tank-mix partner.
  5. If required, add the correct amount of glyphosate.
  6. If required, add in the correct amount of adjuvant or surfactant last.
  7. Continue agitation while filling the spray tank with the remaining amount of water.
  8. DO NOT allow the spray solution to remain in the spray boom lines overnight or for extended periods of time. A delay in application from the time of mixing may result in temporary crop injury when applied post-emergence to the crop.
  9. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent within 24 hours. 

Tank mixes

Marksman, Engenia, Armezon® herbicide10, Aatrex® Liquid 480 herbicide, glyphosate11, Callisto® 480SC herbicide


See label for more details on tank mixes. 


10 When applying Surtain with Armezon, an additional tank-mix partner is required. See Surtain label for details.

11 When applying Surtain with glyphosate as a tank-mix partner, use glyphosate present as isopropylamine, potassium or diammonium salt.

Follow crops

In case of crop failure

Chickpeas12, dry field peas12, field corn, winter wheat13


In the next season following application

Barley (malting, spring, winter)12, canola12, chickpeas, dry field peas, field corn, oats12, soybeans, wheat (durum12, spring12, winter)


In the second season following application

No restrictions.


12 These crops can be planted in the same season only if the maximum application rate to the primary crop is 405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha).

13 May be planted 4 months after application.