Veltyma® DLX delivers protection against key leaf diseases and ear rot.
1 All comparisons are to untreated unless otherwise stated.
7 Available
Broad-spectrum Control of Leaf and ear diseases
Enhanced Control of Northern corn leaf blight
Improved reduction of gibberella
Proven performance against tar spot
Common rust (Puccinia sorghi)
Eyespot (Aureobasidium zeae)
Fusarium ear rot (Fusarium graminearum)1
Gibberella ear rot (Gibberella zeae)1
Grey leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis)
Northern corn leaf blight (Setosphaeria turcica)
Tar spot (Phyllachora maydis)
1 Suppression only.
Pre-harvest interval
21 days after application for corn
Crop |
Staging |
Corn |
Full silking to silk browning |
One case of Veltyma DLX fungicide will treat 20 acres.
Caramba® |
405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha) |
Veltyma |
202 ml/ac (500 ml/ha) |
Water volume
Ground application |
Minimum 80 L/ac (20 gal/ac) |
Aerial application |
20 L/ac (5 gal/ac) |
Mixing order