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close up of wheat stalks
product logo - Altitude FX 3

Altitude FX 3

Altitude FX 3 herbicide is the best weed control for the Clearfield® Production System for wheat, with added flexibility.

  • High level control of grasses including volunteer barley and Group 1-resistant wild oats.
  • Choice of tank-mix partners for broadleaf control flexibility.

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - Clearfield® wheat

Clearfield Wheat

Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Altitude FX 3

  • Altitude FX 3 tank-mixes are applied post-emergent from the 3 leaf (after first tiller emergence) to 6 leaf stage of the crop.
  • Provides high-level control of grasses including volunteer barley and Group 1-resistant wild oats.
  • A choice of tank-mix partners for broadleaf control flexibility.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Weed class

Weeds controlled

Broadleaf up to 4 leaf (except where indicated)

Cleavers (1 to 8 whorls)
Cow cockle
Green smartweed (2 to 6 leaf)
Lamb’s quarters2
Redroot pigweed
Round-leaved mallow2
Russian thistle2
Stork’s-bill2 (1 to 8 leaf)
Volunteer canola3
Volunteer flax (1 to 12 cm)
Wild buckwheat2
Wild mustard

Broadleaf weeds controlled with specific, specialty tank-mix partners4

MCPA Ester (northern broadleafs): Chickweed, cow cockle, hemp-nettle, wild buckwheat
(apply at 3 leaf)

2,4-D Ester (southern broadleafs): Russian thistle, round-leaved mallow
(apply at 4 leaf)

Curtail® herbicide (thistles and perennials): Canada thistle, sow thistle, dandelion
(apply at 3 leaf)

Grasses up to 4 leaf

Barnyard grass
Foxtail (green, yellow)
Japanese brome grass2
Persian darnel
Volunteer cereals5
Wild oats


1 Control of biotypes resistant to Group 2.
2 Suppression only. Refer to product label for control with specific tank-mix partner.
3 Non-Clearfield canola varieties only.
4 See application rate section for individual tank-mix rates.
5 Barley, canary seed, oats, durum, non-Clearfield wheat.

Application Tips

Rainfastness - 3 hours.

  • Avoid application immediately after a frost or during cold weather.
  • Avoid sprayer overlap to prevent crop injury.
  • Apply to actively growing weeds.


Pre-harvest interval

  • 79 days after application for wheat grain and straw.

When to Apply

Crops and staging

Clearfield wheat varieties 3 to 6 leaf6

Altitude FX 3 is applied post-emergence from the 3 leaf (after emergence of first tiller) to 6 leaf stage of the crop.

6 Crop staging can change depending on tank-mix partner. See label for details.

How Much to Apply

One case will treat 40 acres.
Two separate tank-mix components are included.

Imazamox (a)

67 ml/ac (167 ml/ha)

Fluroxypyr (b)

126 ml/ac (310 ml/ha)



One of the following broadleaf specialty tank-mix partners7 must be chosen.

MCPA Ester 6007

Northern broadleafs

375 ml/ac (927 ml/ha)

2,4-D Ethylhexyl Ester 7007

Southern broadleafs

320 ml/ac (791 ml/ha)

Curtail® M7

Thistles and perennials

610 to 810 ml/ac (1.5 - 2 L/ha)



Adjuvant Options

Wheat Variety

Non-Ionic Surfactant7 MSO Concentrate with Leci-Tech7
Merge Adjuvant7


0.25% v/v (e.g. 250 ml per 100 L solution) - -

Clearfield Plus

0.25% v/v 1% v/v 0.5% v/v


7 Adjuvant option and optional broadleaf partners are not included in the case.



Water volume

Gound application only

20 to 40 L/ac (5 to 10 gal/ac)



Mixing order

  1. Add 3/4 of clean water needed. Use 50 mesh or a coarser filter screen.
  2. Start and continue agitation throughout mixing and spraying.
  3. Add Imazamox solution (a) first and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add all remaining tank-mix partners and mix thoroughly.
  5. Continue agitation and add required amount of adjuvant.
  6. A silicone anti-foaming agent may be added if needed.
  7. Complete filling the tank to the desired level with water.

Follow Crops

3 months after application:
Winter wheat8

1 year after application:
Canary seed8, Clearfield canola, Non-Clearfield canola8 , Chickpeas, Durum wheat8, Field corn, Field
peas, Flax8, Lentils, Spring barley, Spring wheat, Sunflowers, Tame oats8

2 years after application:
Mustard (condiment-type only)8
Refer to tank-mix partner’s label for any additional follow-crop restrictions.

8 If drought conditions are experienced between June 1 and September 1 in the year of application, delay planting of winter wheat, durum wheat, canary seed, tame oats, flax and canola (non-Clearfield) by an additional year. If drought is received between June 1 and September 1 in the year of application OR between June 1 and September 1 in the year following application, delay planting of mustard by an additional year.

Tank Mixes9

Herbicides: Curtail® M, 2,4-D Ethylhexyl Ester 700, MCPA Ester 600

9 Individual tank-mix partners listed here are required for Altitude FX® 3 herbicide to provide specific broadleaf specialty control.
Altitude FX 3 is a tank mix of AC 299, 263 120 AS (imazamox) and Starane® II (fluroxypyr).


For more information: Call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) or visit agsolutions.ca.




What is the Clearfield-Confirm® Test for wheat, where can I have it done, how much does it cost, and when should I do it?

  • Every year, prior to growing your own farm saved seed or selling it to others, you must first have it Clearfield-Confirm tested to ensure the seed meets the Clearfield trait standards and has not been contaminated with non-Clearfield seed.
  • This can be done at SGS BioVision Seed Labs *Prior to using farm-saved seed, a commitment fee of $0.10/acre must be paid. The fee is refundable when the seed passes the Clearfield confirm test and the grower purchases matching acres of Altitude® FX 3 herbicide.

Can I save my Clearfield wheat seed to plant next year?

Upon signing the agreement, you can save your harvested Clearfield wheat as “farm-saved seed” to seed the following year provided:

  • your farm saved Clearfield wheat acres are registered
  • your farm saved Clearfield wheat seed is Clearfield-Confirm® tested to ensure your seed meets the Clearfield trait standards and has not been contaminated with non-Clearfield seed.
  • Prior to using farm-saved seed, a commitment fee of $0.10/acre must be paid. The fee is refundable when the seed passes the Clearfield confirm test and the grower purchases matching acres of Altitude® FX 3 herbicide.

What can be grown after using Clearfield herbicides for wheat?

After applying Altitude® FX 3, the following crops can be safely seeded one year after application: Canary seed, Canola, Chickpeas, Dry beans, Durum wheat, Field peas, Field Corn, Flax, Lentils (including Clearfield lentils,) Spring wheat (including Clearfield wheat,) Spring barley, Sunflowers (including Clearfield sunflowers,) Tame oats. Note that after spraying Altitude FX 3, winter wheat can be seeded, but a grower must wait two years before seeding Mustard (condiment type only.)