Basagran Forté
Basagran® Forté herbicide gives you superior post-emergent control of some of the toughest broadleaf weeds around.
Provides post-emergent control of some of the most problematic broadleaf weeds in your fields, including:
Field Peas
Weeds controlled | Staging |
Broadleafs | (at 900 ml/ac) | (at 700 ml/ac) |
Buttercup | 6 leaf | - |
Canada thistle1 | - | 20 cm height |
Cleavers | 1 to 3 whorls | - |
Cocklebur | 10 leaf | 6 leaf |
Common chickweed | 1 to 3 weeks post-emergence | - |
Common groundsel2 | 10 cm height | - |
Common ragweed2 | 6 leaf | - |
Corn spurry | 10 cm height | - |
Field bindweed1,3,4 | - | 6 cm height |
Flower-of-an-hour | 10 leaf | 6 leaf |
Giant ragweed | 4 leaf | - |
Hairy galinsoga | 6 leaf | - |
Hairy nightshade | 6 leaf |
- |
Jimsonweed | 10 leaf | - |
Lady’s thumb | 10 leaf | 6 leaf |
Lamb’s quarters2 | 8 leaf | - |
Low cudweed | 6 leaf | - |
Purslane | 6 leaf | - |
Redroot pigweed2,3 | 4 leaf | - |
Russian thistle3 | 4 leaf | - |
Shepherd’s-purse | 6 leaf | 6 leaf |
Stinkweed | 6 leaf | 6 leaf |
Velvetleaf5 | 6 leaf | - |
Volunteer canola6 | 8 leaf | 8 leaf |
Wild mustard | 10 leaf | 6 leaf |
Wild radish | 6 leaf | - |
Sedge | ||
Yellow nutsedge1 | - | 20 cm height |
1 For perennial weeds, repeat application 7-15 days after first, if needed.
2 Includes triazine-resistant biotypes.
3 Suppression.
4 Treat before it is dark green and has begun to trail.
5 Will defoliate 4 leaf and larger but regrowth may occur.
6 Only provides control in field peas up to 4 leaf at 404 ml/ac (1 L/ha) in Alberta.
Rainfastness – 6 to 8 hours.
Crops | Staging |
Corn (grain, silage, sweet, seed) | any stage |
Dry beans (incl. coloured, white, kidney) | after 1st trifoliate |
Faba beans | after 2 leaf |
Flax7 | after 5 cm height |
Peas (field and processing) | after 3 leaf pairs/nodes form |
Soybeans | any stage |
7 Excluding low linolenic acid varieties.
One case of Basagran® Forte herbicide will treat 22 to 29 acres, depending on rate.
Basagran Forte herbicide | 700 to 900 ml/ac (1.75 to 2.25 L/ha) |
Water volume8
Ground application only | 40 to 120 L/ac (10 to 32 gal/ac) |
Mixing order
1. Fill the tank 1/2 full with clean water. Start agitation or by-pass system.
2. When using a tank mix for dry beans (Viper® ADV herbicide), add selected tank-mix partner.9
3. Add correct amount of Basagran Forte herbicide and agitate 2 to 3 minutes.
4. When required, add correct amount of nitrogen source.
5. Add remainder of water, agitate and spray.
8 Use larger water volumes for weeds at the upper limit of their recommended stage for treatment.
9 See respective labels for complete rate and mixing details.
Herbicides for dry beans: Viper ADV at 404 ml/ac (1 L/ha) and Basagran Forte at 146 ml/ac (360 ml/ha) and 28% UAN at 809 ml/ac (2 L/ha)
Herbicides for field peas: Basagran Forte at 506 ml/ac (1.25 L/ha) and 28% UAN at 809 ml/ac (2 L/ha)
None on label for all other crops.
Contact your local BASF AgSolutions® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information on supported tank mixes.