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close up of mature canola crops
product logo - Centurion


Group 1

Post-emergent control of the toughest grassy weeds in canola, flax and pulses. 

  • Wide window of application
  • No follow-crop restrictions
  • Tank-mix flexibility for enhanced weed control
  • Complements Liberty® herbicide for enhanced control of grassy weeds

Labels & SDS



Applicable On

applicable on - canola


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Centurion

  • Centurion is a systemic herbicide which is translocated from the treated foliage to the growing parts of the leaves, shoots and roots.
  • Applied at 154 ml/ac, Centurion herbicide offers season-long control of quackgrass, without the need for a fall application of glyphosate.
  • Registered for both aerial and ground application.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Weed class List of Weeds

Grasses - 2 to 6 leaf (except where indicated)

Barnyard grass
Downy brome1 (before tillering)
Japanese brome1 (before tillering)
Fall panicum
Foxtail barley1 (1 to 4 leaf)
Green foxtail
Large crabgrass
Persian darnel
Proso millet
Quackgrass2,3 (6 to 15 cm in height)
Smooth crabgrass
Volunteer barley
Volunteer canary seed
Volunteer corn
Volunteer oats
Volunteer wheat
Wild oats
Yellow foxtail


1  When tank mixed with Liberty 150 herbicide.
2 Apply at 154 ml/ac (20 ac/case) for season-long control.
3 Suppressed at 77 ml/ac (40 ac/case). Follow up with a fall application of glyphosate for clean fields next season.

Application Tips

Rainfastness – 1 hour.4


Pre-harvest interval5
60 days after application for brown mustard, canola, chickpeas, dry beans, flax, lentils, potatoes and yellow mustard.
75 days after application for field peas and soybeans.


Liberty 150 and Centurion tank-mix tips

Centurion tank mixed with Liberty 150 can optimize control of grassy weeds in your InVigor® hybrid canola.
•  For foxtail barley, volunteer barley, downy and Japanese brome control, BASF recommends a minimum rate of Centurion at the 40 ac/case with Liberty 150 at 1.35 L/ac or 1.62 L/ac rate


4 Rainfastness is limited by its tank-mix partners—for example, if tank mixed with Liberty 150 or Facet L, this time becomes 4 or 6 hours, respectively.
5 For seedling alfalfa and sunflowers, see label for details.

When to Apply



Brown mustard
Dry beans
Field peas
Seedling alfalfa
Yellow mustard



6 See label for specific crop applications.

How Much to Apply

Centurion, used alone, can be applied at the following rates with the exception of chickpeas and dry beans which have a maximum application rate of 40 ac/case (77 ml/ac). If applied in a tank mix with another product, consult the label for specific rates.


20 ac/case or 154 ml/ac

For control of all the major grass weeds with season-long control of quackgrass (mix with Amigo at 1.0% v/v)

40 ac/case or 77 ml/ac

For control of all the major grass weeds, except quackgrass (mix with Amigo at 0.5% v/v)

60 ac/case or 50 ml/ac

For control of green and yellow foxtail, wild oats and volunteer cereals (wheat, oats and barley) (mix with Amigo at 0.5% v/v)



Water volume7

Ground application

22 L/ac (6 gal/ac) minimum

Aerial application

11.3 L/ac (3 gal/ac) minimum



Mixing order

  1. Ensure the spray tank is clean before use.
  2. Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water and start agitation.
  3. If tank mixing with Liberty 150 herbicide: add Amigo, then add Liberty 150, agitate moderately, then add Centurion, in sequential order.
  4. If tank mixing with Liberty 150 and Facet® L herbicide: add Amigo8, then add Liberty 150, agitate moderately, then add Facet L, followed by Centurion, in sequential order.
  5. Continue agitation while adding the remaining amount of water.


Note: Centurion can be antagonized by high levels of bicarbonates in water (300 mg/L is of concern and 500 mg/L or higher will cause issues). The simple remedy is to mix AMS 1.00% v/v.


7 For tank mixing, follow recommendations of tank-mix partners.
8 Merge® adjuvant can be used in place of Amigo. The two adjuvants cannot be mixed together.

Tank Mixes9

Herbicide for LibertyLink® canola: Liberty 150

Herbicide tank mix for LibertyLink canola: Liberty 150 + Facet L + Centurion


See label for other crops.


Contact your local BASF AgSolutions® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information on supported tank mixes.




What are the tank mix orders for mixing Centurion (co-pack), with common tank mix partners in canola?

Centurion (co-pack) + Liberty 150 Centurion (co-pack) + Liberty 150 & Facet® L herbicide

1. Amigo10

2. Liberty 150

3. Centurion

1. Amigo10

2. Liberty 150

3. Facet L

4. Centurion

10 Merge® adjuvant can be used in place of Amigo. The two adjuvants cannot be mixed together.

What rate of Centurion (co-pack) should be used to control foxtail barley?

For foxtail barley control, Centurion (co-pack) should be applied at 40ac/case rate.

What rate of Centurion (co-pack) should be used for season long control of quackgrass?

For season long control of quackgrass, Centurion (co-pack) should be applied at the 20ac/case rate.

Advanced Weed Control Information

The Advanced Weed Control Program from BASF provides you with cleaner fields, resistance management and our exclusive Performance Support Guarantee. All of this to say, we’re not done until your weeds are.