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bushel of potatoes
product logo - Cimegra insecticide


Group 30

Powered by the unique IRAC Group 30 mode of action, Cimegra® insecticide is an innovative solution in potatoes that provides true control of wireworms in-furrow and foliar control of Colorado potato beetles. 

  • Unique mode of action that works through contact and ingestion
  • Delivers fast knockdown and control growers can count on 
  • Effective resistance management tool when used in rotation with other insecticide groups

Labels & SDS



Applicable On

applicable on - corn


applicable on - potatoes


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources

Benefits of Cimegra

  • Quickly eliminates wireworms through both contact and ingestion which leads to reduced resident populations.
  • Now registered for foliar use on Colorado potato beetles for fast knockdown.
  • Unique mode of action that delivers lasting efficacy and no known resistance.
  • Convenience of simplified handling and flexibility to be tank mixed with necessary insecticides and fungicides.
  • Can easily be incorporated into an integrated pest management strategy.

Performance Trials

Colorado potato beetle (CPB) foliar control

Chart: Sphaerex + Untreated + Caramba fungicide + Prosaro XTR + Miravis Ace

Product Info & Application Guide

Pest Management


In-furrow at planting
Corn (field, pop, seed and sweet) In-furrow at planting
T-band at planting


Pests controlled

In potatoes
Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata)
In corn Corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera and Diabrotica barberi)


1 Toxic to bees. Avoid application during the crop blooming period. If applications must be made during the crop blooming period, restrict applications to evening when most bees are not foraging. When using managed bees for pollination services, DO NOT apply during the crop blooming period.
2 Including Agriotes obscurus, Agriotes sputator, Conderus sp., Hypnoides bicolor, Limonius californicus, Limonius infuscatus, Melanotus cribulosus, Melatonus sp., and Selatosomus destructor.

How Much to Apply

One case of Cimegra insecticide will treat 60 acres (24 hectares) in-furrow and 79 to 118 acres (32 to 47.8 hectares) with foliar application.


Potatoes - Foliar application3

For control of Colorado potato beetle 50 to 75 ml/ac (125 to 187.5 ml/ha)


Potatoes - In-furrow application

For wireworm control4 100 ml/ac (250 ml/ha)
For 90 cm (36”) row spacing5 2.3 ml per 100 metres of row

Apply the in-furrow spray to uniformly cover the seed pieces and surrounding soil. Do not apply Cimegra to the soil surface of a closed furrow



For wireworm and corn rootworm control4 100 ml/ac (250 ml/ha)
For 76 cm (30”) row spacing5 1.9 ml per 100 metres of row

Apply at planting as an in-furrow or T-band spray by directing spray pattern to uniformly cover seed and surrounding soil.


3 DO NOT apply more than 2 foliar applications per year. Allow a minimum of 7 days between applications. DO NOT apply more than 50 g ai/ha per year. This includes all application types (seed treatment, soil and foliar).
4 Do not exceed 100 ml/ac (250 ml/ha).
5 For different row spacing, see label for calculation.


Water volume

  • For in-furrow use, dilute Cimegra insecticide product in a minimum of 50 L of water per hectare (20 L of water per acre). 
  • Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of the seed or seed piece and surrounding seed furrow.
  • For foliar use, ensure thorough coverage of the entire plant.


Mixing order

  1. Ensure the spray tank is clean before use.
  2. Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water and start agitation.
  3. Shake/agitate container well before use.
  4. Add the required amount of Cimegra insecticide to the mix tank.
  5. Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the spray tank.
  6. After use, clean the spray tank according to label precautions.

Application Tips

  • For foliar application, do not apply during periods of dead calm or when winds are gusty.
  • Observe spray buffer zones specified on the product label.
  • A vegetative filter strip is required between the field edge and adjacent, downhill aquatic habitats.
  • Refer to product label for more information.

Follow Crops

Immediate plant-back is permitted for all labelled crops. A plant-back interval of 30 days is required for all crops not on the label.

Tank Mixes

Cimegra is not compatible with in-furrow fertilizers.

Contact AgSolutions® Customer Care or your BASF Sales Representative for more information.

Resistance Management Recommendations

  • Insecticide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting and record keeping, and considers pest thresholds, as well as cultural, biological, and other chemical control practices
  • Cimegra is not compatible with IPM programs using beneficial arthropods
  • Before using an insecticide, correctly identify the pest and monitor population levels in the crop. Only treat if action thresholds (i.e., pest numbers or damage level) are met or if forecasting models expect them to be met
  • Where possible, rotate the use of insecticides with different insecticide groups that control the same pests
  • DO NOT exceed the total number of applications of insecticide per year
  • Use tank mixtures with insecticides from a different group that are effective on the target pest when such use is permitted
  • Monitor treated pest populations for resistance development
  • If you suspect resistance, contact BASF or your local extension specialist
  • For more information on insecticide resistance best management practices, visit https://manageresistancenow.ca/insects/