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field of pea crop
product logo - Dyax Xemium Fungicide


Group 11 & 7

A pulse fungicide with increased levels of Xemium® for improved disease control.

  • Increased rate of Xemium allows for even more consistent and continuous disease control
  • Broad-spectrum disease control in pulses
  • Proven Plant Health Benefits1 for increased growth efficiency, better management of minor stress and greater yield potential2


1 Plant Health Benefits refer to products that contain the active ingredient pyraclostrobin.

2 All comparisons are to untreated unless otherwise stated.

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - field peas

Field Peas

applicable on - lentils


applicable on - soybeans


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources


Benefits of Dyax

  • With Group 7 and Group 11 active ingredients, Dyax provides broad-spectrum disease control
  • The active ingredients work together across multiple stages of fungal growth to inhibit spore germination, mycelial growth and sporulation

Performance Trials


Dyax controls mycosphaerella blight in field peas

Field Comparison: Untreated + Dyax

Yield protection with Dyax on field peas3

Chart: Dyax vs Competitors

Yield protection with Dyax on lentils3

Chart: Dyax on Lentils vs Competitors

Product Info & Application Guide

Disease Management

Crop Diseases Managed
Field peas

Mycosphaerella blight (Mycosphaerella pinodes)

Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta pisi)

Powdery mildew (Erysiphe pisi)

Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)

Suppression of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)


Anthracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum)

Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta lentis)

Suppression of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)


Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei)

Suppression of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)


Pasmo (Septoria linicola)

Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)

Faba beans

Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)

Suppression of ascochyta blight (Ascochyta spp.)

White mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)


Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)

Suppression of frog eye leaf spot (Cercospora sojina)

Septoria brown spot (Septoria glycines

Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclertoninia sclerotiorum)

Dry beans

Rust (Uromyces appendiculatus)

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum)

Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)

Powdery mildew (Erysiphe spp.)

Suppression of white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)

Application Tips

Rainfastness - 1 hour

  • Do not apply during periods of dead calm, gusty winds or conditions conducive to spray drift
  • Do not apply more than 2 applications of any fungicide containing a Group 11 or Group 7 active ingredient per season
  • Use at least the minimum water volumes to ensure thorough coverage of the foliage


Pre-harvest interval

  • 21 days after application for soybeans and flax.
  • 30 days after application for field peas, lentils, chickpeas, faba beans and dry beans.

When to Apply

Crops  Staging
Field peas

Start of flowering or prior to row closure. 


Start of flowering or prior to row closure.

If second application is required, apply a fungicide containing an alternative mode of action.


At the onset of symptoms prior to row closure.

Do not apply consecutive applications of Dyax® fungicide.


20 to 50% flowering. 

Soybeans, faba beans, dry beans

Start of flowering or at onset of symptoms 


Note: If disease persists or weather conditions are favourable for disease development, make a second application 10 to 14 days later with a fungicide that contains an alternative mode of action. 

How Much to Apply

One case will treat 120 to 160 acres, depending on rate.



Field peas, lentils, chickpeas, faba beans, flax, soybeans, dry beans

120 to 160 ml/ac (300 to 400 ml/ha)   


Water Volume

Ground application 40 L/ac (10 gal/ac)
Aerial application 20 L/ac (5 gal/ac)


4 To suppress white mold, apply Dyax at 240 - 320 ml/ac (600 - 800 ml/ha). 


Mixing order

  1. Fill the cleaned spray tank ½ full of water and start agitation.
  2. Add the required amount of Dyax fungicide to the tank.
  3. If tank mixing, add the required amount of the tank-mix partner.
  4. Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the spray tank.
  5. After use, clean the spray tank according to label precautions.


Is Dyax® fungicide the same product as Priaxor® fungicide?

Dyax and Priaxor consist of the same active ingredients, Xemium® and pyraclostrobin, but the product ratios are different. Priaxor contains a 1:2 ratio of Xemium to pyraclostrobin, while Dyax consists of a 1:1 ratio. The increased rate of Xemium within Dyax allows for more consistent and continuous disease control while still offering the proven benefits of AgCelence®.1


1. AgCelence benefits refer to products that contain the active ingredient pyraclostrobin