An advanced dicamba formulation with lower-volatility properties for use in dicamba tolerant soybeans and corn.
Field Corn
use nozzles that deliver extremely coarse to ultra-coarse droplets.
Wind speed
spray when wind speeds are between 3 to 15 km/h.
Ground speed
maintain sprayer speed under 25 km/h.
Boom height
keep spray boom height no higher than 50 cm above crop canopy.
Sensitive crop awareness
identify neighbouring crop species.
Application volume
use a minimum spray volume of 10 GPA.
only use as required or recommended on product label.
Sprayer cleanout
triple rinse, use a detergent-based cleaner.
Weeds controlled | Weeds |
In-crop application in canary seed and seedling forage grasses. | Buckwheat (tartary, wild) Canada thistle2 Cleavers3 Corn spurry Cow cockle Green smartweed Lady's thumb Perennial sow thistle2 |
Post-emergence in field corn and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® and XtendFlex® soybeans.4 | Buckwheat (tartary, wild) Canada fleabane5 Canada thistle6 Cleavers Common chickweed7,8 Corn spurry Cow cockle Eastern black nightshade8 Field bindweed6 Green smartweed Hairy nightshade7,9 Kochia10 Lady's thumb Lamb’s quarters11 Mustards12 Narrow-leaved hawk's beard7,8 Perennial sow thistle6 Ragweed (common11, false, giant) Redroot pigweed11 Russian pigweed Velvetleaf Volunteer canola7,13 |
Pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas. | Canada thistle Curled dock2 English daisy Field bindweed Goat’s beard Goldenrod Ground cherry3 Knapweed (diffuse)3 Pasture sage3 Perennial sow thistle Poverty weed3 Ragwort (tansy) Sheep sorrel3 Thyme-leaved spurge3 |
1 For a complete list of proper weed staging, please refer to the product label.
2 Top growth only.
3 Controlled with higher rate of Engenia. See label for details.
4 Controlled by Engenia alone at 200 ml/ac to 400 ml/ac (0.5 to 1 L/ha).
5 Post-emergence only.
6 Apply Engenia herbicide annually for three years at the flowering stage of bindweed and the budding stage of thistles.
7 Suppression only.
8 Including biotypes resistant to Group 2.
9 When Engenia is applied at 283 to 400 ml/ac (0.7 to 1 L/ha).
10 Including biotypes resistant to Group 2 and 9.
11 Including atrazine-resistant species in corn.
12 Refer to label for mustard species controlled.
13 Including conventional, Roundup Ready® and LibertyLink® cultivars, when Engenia is applied at 400 ml/ac (1 L/ha).
There are several factors to consider when using a dicamba herbicide such as:
Rainfastness - 4 hours.
Water volume - Use higher water volumes to ensure adequate coverage.14
Pre-harvest interval
Follow crops
14 See label for water rate for application.
Crops |
Staging |
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans |
pre-seed, pre-emergence, post-emergence (up to early flower) |
Field corn |
up to 50 cm tall3 |
Canary seed |
3 to 5 leaf |
Pasture grasses |
established, actively growing |
Red fescue (new seedling) |
5 cm tall |
Red fescue (established) |
flag leaf |
Seedling grasses |
2 to 4 leaf |
3 Broadcast spray up to 20 cm, larger corn plants require drop nozzles.
One case will treat 40 to 80 acres of Roundup Ready Xtend soybeans, depending on rate used.
In-crop application4,5
Field corn, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans6,7,8,9 |
200 ml/ac - 400 ml/ac (500 ml/ha - 1000 ml/ha) |
Canary seed |
95 ml/ac (230 ml/ha) |
Red fescue |
190 ml/ac (480 ml/ha) |
Pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas4,5
For brush weed control10 |
680 ml/ac - 1180 ml/ac (1680 ml/ha - 2920 ml/ha) |
For broadleaf weed control |
680 ml/ac - 1490 ml/ac (1680 ml/ha - 3680 ml/ha) |
Chemfallow, post-harvest |
400 ml/ac - 800 ml/ac (1000 ml/ha - 2000 ml/ha) |
Mixing order
Tank mixes
Herbicides for corn: Accent®11, Option®12
Herbicides for Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans: glyphosate13
4 See label for a complete list of additional available tank mixes and their rates. Tank mix options are not included in the case.
5 See label for water rate application.
6 Engenia can be used alone or in tank mix with glyphosate for additional broadleaf and grass weed control. See label for important details.
7 For application to Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans, apply Engenia using nozzles that deliver extremely coarse to ultra-coarse spray droplets.
8 The 400 ml/ac rate of Engenia is to be used only once a season and should be used pre-plant, pre-emergence or in-crop early post-emergence.
9 793 ml/ac of Engenia is the maximum total to be applied in a single growing season.
10 Must be applied in tank mix, see label for tank-mix partners.
11 Prairie provinces only.
12 Only in the Province of Manitoba.
13 Only use glyphosate products registered for use in soybeans. Do not tank-mix ENGENIA with glyphosate products where glyphosate is present as an ammonium salt.
For Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans, a plant-back interval of 120 days is required for all crops not on the Engenia label.
For chemfallow and post-harvest, see label for follow crops.