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close up of mature soybean crop
product logo - Heat powered by Kixor herbicide


Group 14


Heat herbicide improves your pre-seed or chemfallow glyphosate application, killing weeds fast so you can start your crop off in the cleanest field possible.


Heat as a harvest aid provides fast, complete dry down, limiting crop regrowth and decreasing the days until harvesting.

Labels & SDS


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Heat


  • Heat contains the active ingredient Kixor, an innovative pyrimidinedione chemistry with both contact and systemic properties.
  • Heat dramatically improves your glyphosate control by providing the fastest, sharpest and most sustainable control of the toughest broadleaf weeds.
  • The uniqueness of Heat is its mobility within the weed that complements glyphosate, providing superior control including large, tough-to-control weeds.
  • Because Heat also controls glyphosate-resistant and Group 2-resistant bio-types, Heat is an important part of a resistance-management plan for sustainability in reduced tillage operations.
  • Heat tank-mixed with glyphosate can be applied to fields before cereal or pulse crops.

Harvest Aid - When used as a harvest aid, Heat causes green leaves to lose water and dry down, decreasing the time before harvesting can occur.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management


Weed Class

List of Weeds

Weeds controlled up to the 8-leaf stage*

Canada fleabane*
Kochia* (up to 15 cm)
Lamb’s quarters
Narrow-leaved hawk’s beard***
Redroot pigweed1
Round-leaf mallow
Volunteer canola*
Wild buckwheat1
Wild mustard1*
Winter and spring annual cleavers****


Heat, tank-mixed with glyphosate, also provides fast top growth of dandelions and narrow-leaved hawk’s beard.


*Includes glyphosate-resistant and/or Group 2-resistant biotypes. Refer to the glyphosate label for a full description of weeds controlled.
**Rapid control of spring emerged seedlings and rapid top growth control of perennials (<15 cm) when combined with glyphosate.
***Rapid control of (<8 cm) narrow-leaved hawk’s beard when combined with glyphosate
****Rapid control of (up to 4 whorls) winter and spring annual cleavers when combined glyphosate
1 For rapid burndown and suppression of secondary weed flushes (Use rate: 71 g/ha)

Application Tips


To optimize the broadleaf activity when applying Heat, follow these guidelines:

  • Always add adjuvant (Merge or MSO).
  • Use a minimum water volume of 5 gal/ac to maximize coverage.
  • If weeds are large or densities are high, use a minimum water volume of 10 gal/ac.
  • Heat is extremely rainfast. The rainfast period will be limited by the type of glyphosate used. Follow the glyphosate manufacturer’s recommendation for rainfast guidelines.


Harvest Aid

To optimize the use of Heat as a harvest aid, follow these guidelines:

  • Always add adjuvant (Merge or MSO).
  • Use a minimum water volume of 20 gal/ac to maximize coverage. Higher water volumes are recommended for best results.
  • Heat is extremely rainfast. The type of glyphosate used will limit the rainfast period. When tank mixing with glyphosate, follow the glyphosate manufacturer’s recommended guidelines for rainfastness.


The tank mix with glyphosate may affect the seed germination. DO NOT tank mix with glyphosate when harvested grain is to be used for seed. DO NOT tank mix glyphosate with Heat on sunflowers.

When to Apply


  • Heat provides application flexibility and can be applied pre-seed or pre-emerge (before or after seeding, prior to ground crack).
  • Do not apply Heat if ground break has occurred.
  • Heat can be applied when broadleaf weeds are at or between the cotyledon and 8-leaf stages.


Harvest Aid

Dry Beans*/Soybeans

  • Apply when stems are green to brown in colour and pods are mature (yellow – brown) and 80 – 90% of the original leaves have dropped.


Field Peas

  • Apply when the majority of pods are brown (70 - 80%).



  • Apply when the backs of the heads and bracts are turning yellow, and seed moisture is 20 – 30%.


*When tank-mixed with glyphosate, consult glyphosate label or BASF representative for information on the use on specific varieties of Dry Beans.
**Glyphosate is not registered for pre-harvest use in sunflowers. When applying to sunflowers, use Heat as a stand-alone product only.


Pre-harvest Interval (PHI)

The following pre-harvest intervals should be observed for respective crops when Heat is used as a harvest aid:


Dry Common Beans

2 days


3 days

Peas (dried field)

3 days


3 days


7 days

How Much to Apply


Heat + glyphosate use rate (360 g/L equivalent) 1.25 – 2.5 L/ha


Heat use rate (g/ha) or (g/ac)


26 g/ha or 11 g/ac


26 g/ha or 11 g/ac


26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac

Canary seed

26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac

Chickpea Kabuli

26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac

Corn (field, sweet***)

26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac


26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac

Peas (dried field)

26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac

Wheat (spring, durum, winter)

26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac


26 – 71 g/ha or 11 - 29 g/ac


*Rate restrictions apply. Do not use rates higher than 26 g/ha  (11 g/ac) or crop injury may result.
**Rate restrictions apply. Do not use rates higher than 26 g/ha (11 g/ac)  or crop injury may result. Some soybean cultivars may be more sensitive to saflufenacil and injury might occur.
***Some sweet corn hybrids may be more sensitive to saflufenacil and injury might occur.


Mixing Instructions

For broad spectrum weed control, Heat should always be tank mixed with glyphosate present as isopropylamine salt, di-ammonium salt or potassium salt. Heat is compatible with all liquid glyphosate formulations, in which glyphosate is present as isopropylamine salt, di-ammonium salt or potassium salt, as a tank-mix partner.

  1. For tank mix applications of Heat with glyphosate, use Merge® or MSO® at 0.5 L/ha.
  2. When using Heat, always start with a clean sprayer. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent.
  3. Fill clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system.
  4. Using a calibrated measuring device, add the correct amount of Heat. Continue to agitate.
  5. For tank mix with glyphosate, add Heat followed by recommended amount of glyphosate.
  6. If recommended, add the correct amount of Merge adjuvant or Amigo to the tank last.
  7. Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the tank with water necessary to fill the spray tank.
  8. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system.
  9. After any break in spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure the sprayer agitation is sufficient to re-mix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit over night.


Harvest Aid

One jug of Heat herbicide will treat 40 acres tank mixed with glyphosate. One case of Heat herbicide will treat 320 acres when tank mixed with glyphosate.

Stand alone rate

52 g/ha (21 g/ac) of Heat + adjuvant

Tank-mix rate

52 g/ha (21 g/ac) of Heat + 2.5 L/ha of glyphosate* (360 g/L equivalent) + adjuvant

Water volume

200 L/ha ground, 76 L/ac (20 g/ac) minimum

50 L/ha aerial, 20 L/ac (5g/ac)


Add Merge or MSO Adjuvant at a rate of 0.5 L/ha


*Glyphosate should not be applied on sunflowers or for seed production.

Please see the label for complete instructions on ground and aerial applications. Consult the label of the tank mix partner product for further use instructions, precautions and restrictions. The most restrictive labeling applies to tank mixes.


Mixing Instructions

  1. When using Heat always start with a clean sprayer. Thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with water containing detergent. Refer to previously applied product labels for specific cleaning instructions.
  2. Clean spray tank half full with clean water. Start agitation system.
  3. Using a calibrated measuring device, add the correct amount of Heat. Continue to agitate.
  4. For tank mixing with glyphosate, add Heat followed by recommended amount of glyphosate.
  5. Add the correct amount of Merge or MSO Adjuvant to the tank last.
  6. Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the tank with water necessary to fill the spray tank.
  7. Continue to agitate or run the by-pass system.
  8. After any break in spraying operation, agitate thoroughly before spraying again. Check inside the tank to ensure that sprayer agitation is sufficient to remix the spray materials. Do not allow the mixture to sit over night.
  9. If an oil film starts to build up in the tank, drain it and clean the tank with strong detergent solution.
  10. Immediately after use, thoroughly clean the sprayer by flushing the system with clean water containing detergent.


Dispose of all rinsings in accordance with provincial regulations

Follow Crops



These crops can be safely grown after an application of Heat:


Plant back crops*

Canary seed
Corn (field and sweet)
Dry field peas
Wheat (spring, winter & durum) 


*In case of crop failure, these crops can be planted in the same season.
**Rate restrictions apply. Lentils and soybeans can only be grown as plant back crops provided that a maximum product use rate of 26 g/ha was used in the previous crop.


Pre-seed/Pre-emergence or Harvest Aid

Rotational crops (These crops can be planted anytime in the following season)

Canary seed
Canola (all types incl. Clearfield® canola)
Corn (field and sweet)
Dry field peas
Wheat (spring, incl. Clearfield Wheat, winter & durum) 


* Following spring applications only.