Liberty 150 SN
Trusted weed management in canola for over 25 years.
When your entire season is on the line, you know the right call is going with a pro. For over 25 years, Liberty® 150 herbicide has been the choice of InVigor® hybrid canola growers. In addition to a trusted formulation and consistent, industry-leading performance, it’s backed by exceptional agronomic support and service. Because like you, Liberty has earned its reputation in more ways than one.
LibertyLink Canola
Post-Emergent Herbicide
Weed Class |
List of Weeds |
Broadleafs – 1 to 6 leaf (except where indicated) | Canada thistle1 (up to 10 cm height) |
Grasses – 1 to 4 leaf (except where indicated) |
Barnyard grass |
1 Suppression Only.
2 Tank mix with Facet® L herbicide for enhanced cleaver control.
3 Spring-germinated brome only; best results are obtained after a pre-seed or burndown application with a glyphosate herbicide.
4 When tank mixed with Centurion® herbicide at 77ml/ac.
5 When tank mixed with Centurion at 154 ml/ac.
6 Suppression only. Tank mix with Centurion herbicide for control.
Restricted entry interval – 24 hours
Crop | Staging |
Canola (LibertyLink® varieties only) | cotyledon until prior to bolting |
One case of Liberty 150 SN will treat 17 to 20 acres, one shuttle will treat 67 to 80 acres, one 432 L tote will treat 267 to 320 acres and one 864 L tote will treat 533 to 640 acres.
Crop | Rate |
Canola |
1.35 to 1.62 L/ac (3.33 to 4 L/ha)7,8 |
7 Early timing of first pass at 1.35 to 1.62 L/ac is critical. A second pass of 1.35 to 1.62 L/ac may be applied 10 to 14 days after the first application for flushing weeds.
8 No more than 4.86 L/ac of Liberty 150 herbicide can be applied in a single season.
Water volume
Ground application - 45 L/ac (10 gal/ac)
Aerial application - 22 L/ac (6 gal/ac)
Mixing order
9 Merge adjuvant can be used in place of Amigo. The two adjuvants cannot be mixed together.
10 Agitate moderately, as over-agitation may cause foaming.
Herbicides for LibertyLink canola: Centurion, Facet L
11 See label for tank-mix application rates targeting specific weeds.
No plant back interval
Dry common beans (not grown for seed)
Field corn
70 days after application
120 days after application for all other crops
Before deciding on a tank-mix partner, scout your fields to know what your weed population looks like. By tank mixing Liberty herbicide with Centurion® ADV herbicide, you enhance your grassy weed control. By adding Facet® L herbicide to the mix, you provide your fields with enhanced cleavers control.
Facet L herbicide offers industry-leading, consistent control of cleavers with both systemic and contact activity (when tank mixed with Liberty® herbicide) for improved efficacy. It also provides flexibility to apply in-crop to effectively respond to pressure from cleavers.
For optimal performance, Liberty herbicide should be applied in warm (10°C or higher) and sunny conditions. Wind, excessive moisture and cool, cloudy weather should be avoided when possible.
Yes, Liberty herbicide can be applied up to three times (up to 4.86 L/ac) in a single season. If considering a two-pass system, take the second pass in the reverse direction to target any foliage that could have been sheltered during the first pass.
Liberty herbicide is a contact herbicide—meaning it only affects areas it comes in contact with. Maintaining higher water volumes (minimum 10gal/ac) will help to ensure good contact, improve coverage and increase the efficacy of the product.
Aim for coarse droplets (between 250 and 350 microns), while keeping pressures between 40 and 80 psi to increase coverage and reduce potential drift.