For control of the toughest leaf diseases in cereals and blackleg in canola.
A greener cereal crop with Nexicor® fungicide
Increased yield potential at high disease pressure in cereals
Increased yield potential at low disease pressure in cereals
Effective control of diseases in barley
Effective control of diseases in oats
Increased early-season disease control in canola
Crop |
Disease |
Barley |
Net blotch (Pyrenophora teres) Scald (Rhynchosporium secalis) Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) Spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus) |
Canola |
Blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) |
Oats |
Crown rust (Puccinia coronata) Septoria leaf blotch (Septoria avenae) |
Rye |
Leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) Powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici) |
Wheat (all types) and triticale |
Leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) Powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici) Septoria leaf spot (Septoria tritici or Leptosphaeria nodorum) Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) Spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus) Tan spot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) |
Rainfastness - 1 hour.
Nexicor can be applied from stem elongation (GS 31) until early head emergence (GS 55) in cereals. For best results, apply prior to disease development or at the onset of symptoms. For optimal disease control and Plant Health Benefits1, apply at flag-leaf.3
Crops | Staging |
Barley, oats, rye, triticale, wheat (all types) | stem elongation to early head emergence3 |
Canola | 2 to 6 leaf (rosette) |
1 Plant Health Benefits refer to products that contain the active ingredient pyraclostrobin.
2 All comparisons are to untreated, unless otherwise stated.
3 While Nexicor fungicide can be applied between stem elongation and early head emergence (GS 31-55), research suggests that applying at flag-leaf (GS 37-39) helps maximize yield potential in cereals.
One case of Nexicor fungicide treats 80 acres.
One shuttle treats 640 acres.
Barley, canola, oats, rye, triticale, wheat | 202 ml/ac (500 ml/ha) |
Water volume
Ground application | 40 L/ac (10 gal/ac) |
Aerial application | 20 L/ac (5 gal/ac) |
Mixing order
Pre-harvest interval
30 days after application for canola.
45 days after application for barley, oats, rye, triticale, wheat.
Herbicides for canola: Ares®4, Liberty®5, glyphosate6
Refer to label for cereals.
Contact your local BASF AgSolutions® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information on supported tank mixes.
4 For Clearfield® canola only.
5 For glufosinate-tolerant canola varieties.
6 For glyphosate-tolerant canola varieties.
The ideal temperature for storing fungicides is above the freezing point at 0°C. See page 228 in the Agricultural Solutions Guide.
Nexicor® fungicide should be applied early at the 2 to 6 leaf stage.
Lance® and Cotegra® fungicides should be applied at the 20-50% flowering stage.
Tank clean out recommendations can be found on the product label.
Each fungicide has one or more unique mode(s) of action, controls a different disease(s) and is applied at specific crop staging.
Nexicor fungicide controls blackleg and contains three active ingredients, including Group 3,7 and 11. It can be applied early at the 2 to 6 leaf stage.
Lance fungicide contains a Group 7 active ingredient and controls alternaria black spot and sclerotinia. Cotegra fungicide contains Group 7 and 3 active ingredients and controls sclerotinia in canola. Both of these fungicides can be applied at the 20-50% flowering stage.
No, there are no registered follow crops for Cotegra, Lance and Nexicor fungicides.
Mixing order for Nexicor® fungicide:
For aerial applications, the recommended water volume for all fungicides is 20 L/ac (5 gal/c). For ground applications with Lance® or Nexicor® fungicides, the recommended water volume is 40 L/ac (10 gal/c). Whereas for ground application with Cotegra® fungicide, the recommended water volume is 40 to 80 L/ac (10 to 20 g/ac). Higher water volume is recommended for optimal coverage.
You can apply Nexicor® fungicide for high-level control of blackleg in canola. It combines three powerful modes of action (Group 11, 7 & 3), including the unique mobility of Xemium®, for more consistent and continuous control.
Fungicide performance is optimal when Nexicor is applied prior to disease development or at the onset of disease symptoms. Foliar disease symptoms may occur at any time; crop scouting is essential for assessing disease risk. Nexicor is registered for application from stem elongation (GS31) until early head emergence (GS55) on cereal crops.
To maximize yield in cereals, it is important to protect the flag leaf from disease. Therefore, the optimum time to apply Nexicor is immediately after flag-leaf emergence (GS 37-39).
To determine the best time to apply a fungicide, you must determine your risk levels and production goals.
In wheat, 65% of yield potential is built by the last two leaves. That's why growers see the most consistent return by planning a preventative fungicide application on their cereals at flag-leaf.1 A planned application of Nexicor® consistently provides industry-leading performance and a positive return under high and low foliar disease pressure.2
If you are at risk of fusarium head blight (FHB), BASF recommends an application of Caramba® fungicide at 20% flowering (GS 61-63). Caramba can help reduce deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination and preserve grade quality. Caramba also provides an extended window for effective control of later-season foliar diseases.
1 While Nexicor fungicide can be applied between stem elongation and early head emergence (GS 31-55), research suggests that applying at flag-leaf (GS 37-39) helps maximize yield potential in cereals.
2 AgSolutions® Performance Trials, Western Canada 2016-2017
The length of time a fungicide can provide disease control is highly dependent on environmental conditions. With three modes of action, Nexicor has an increased level of disease control when compared to our leading competitors.1 Nexicor inhibits spore germination in addition to mycelial growth and sporulation of susceptible fungi on the leaf surface, acting both preventatively and curative-eradicatively to provide control throughout the fungal growth stages. The unique mobility of Xemium® helps deliver more consistent and continuous control.
1 RCD Trials, Western Canada, 2015-2016