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close up of soybean crop
product logo - Odyssey herbicide


Group 2

Reliable 1-pass weed control in multiple crops including Clearfield® lentils, soybeans and field peas.

  • Controls flushing weeds including volunteer canola.
  • Proven control of a wide spectrum of key weeds in a single pass.
  • Lasting activity to control multiple flushes of shallow germinating weeds.
  • Wide window of application

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - Clearfield lentils

Clearfield lentils

applicable on - field peas

Field Peas

applicable on - soybeans


Labels & SDS



Benefits of Odyssey

  • Odyssey controls weeds growing at the time of application.
  • Remains active in the soil to control multiple flushes of shallow-germinating weeds – right up to crop flowering.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Weed Class

List of Weeds

Broadleafs - cotyledon to 4 leaf (except where indicated)

Cleavers1 (4 whorls)
Green Smartweed
Lamb's quarters3
Redroot pigweed1
Russian thistle4
Volunteer canola1.5
Volunteer tame mustard
Wild buckwheat2
Wild mustard1

Grasses - 1 to 4 true leaf

Barnyard grass
Green foxtail1
Persian darnel
Volunteer barley
Volunteer tame oats
Volunteer wheat
Wild oats

1 Multiple flushing weeds.
2 Suppression in field peas and Clearfield lentils only.
3 Suppression in field peas and Clearfield lentils.
4 Suppression in Clearfield lentils only.

Application Tips

Rainfastness - 3 hours after application

  • Apply in warm weather to weeds that are actively growing.
  • Avoid applying immediately after or preceding a frost or unseasonably cold weather

When to Apply

Odyssey has a wide window of application so you can control early-emerging weeds before they affect yield. 

Crop or weed type


Alfalfa (for seed production)

1 to 4 leaf

Birdsfoot trefoil (for seed production)

1 to 4 leaf

Clearfield lentils

1 to 9 node

Faba beans

1 to 6 leaf


1 to 4 true leaf

Field peas

1 to 6 true leaf

Seedling clover(for seed production)

1 to 4 leaf


1 to 3 true leaf

How Much to Apply

One case will treat 40 acres.


17 g/ac (43 g/ha)

Merge® adjuvant*

0.5% v/v (e.g. 500 ml per 100 L spray solution)

Water volume

Ground application only

20 to 40 L/ac (5 to 10 gal/ac)

*Merge adjuvant (required for optimum activity) is not included in the case.

Mixing order

  1. Use a 50 mesh (or coarser) filter screen and fill the spray tank 3/4 full with the correct amount of water. Start and continue agitation throughout mixing.
  2. Add the required amount of Odyssey directly into the sprayer through the tank opening. Agitate for at least 10 minutes to dissolve.
  3. After the herbicide is dissolved, if using a tank-mix, add the correct amount of second herbicide and continue agitating.
  4. Continue agitation while adding the required amount of Merge adjuvant. If excess foaming occurs, a silicone anti-foaming agent may be added (Halt®).
  5. Complete filling the tank to the desired level with water. If agitation is stopped for more than 5 minutes, re-suspend spray solution by full agitation prior to commencing spraying again.
  6. Between loads of tank-mix, check in-line and nozzle screens and rinse clean if needed.

Follow Crops

1 year after application
Canary seed
Durum Wheat
Field corn
Field peas
Lentils (incl. Clearfield lentils)
Spring barley
Spring wheat (incl. Clearfield wheat)
Tame Oats

2 years after application