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close up of dark green leaves coated in raindrops
Sefina product logo


A lasting barrier that protects against piercing and sucking insects.

  • Quickly halts feeding, which reduces production losses and virus transmission
  • Extended control of labeled pests
  • Powered by Inscalis®, a unique mode of action that controls labeled insect pests that have developed resistance to other insecticides
  • Effective tool in an integrated pest management strategy with low impact on beneficial insects, including predatory and parasitic insects

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - potatoes


applicable on - soybeans


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources

Benefits of Sefina

  • Sefina is a chordotonal organ TRPV channel modulator
  • Sensory neurons send continuous and misleading signals
  • Brain can’t detect sound, gravity or body part movement / position
  • Rapidly stops feeding. Control via starvation/dehydration – Disorientation

Product Info & Application Guide

Pest Management




Emergence to harvest

Grasses, non-grass forages and hay

Emergence to harvest


Emergence to harvest


Emergence to full maturity


Pests controlled


In forage, fodder, straw and hay.
Blue alfalfa aphid (Acyrthosiphon kondoi)1
Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum)
Potato leaf hopper (Empoasca fabae)1
Spotted alfalfa aphid (Therioaphis maculata)1

All life stages

In potatoes.
Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae)
Potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphoribae)
Silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii)
Sweet potato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)

All life stages

In soybeans.
Soybean aphid (Aphis glycines)

All life stages


1 Suppression.

Application Rates

One case of Sefina insecticide will treat 80 acres.



In potatoes. 3,4

For green peach aphid and potato aphid control
81 ml/ac (0.2 L/ha)

For sweet potato whitefly and silverleaf whitefly
283 to 405 ml/ac (0.7 to 1.0 L/ha)

In soybeans.5

For soybean aphid control
81 ml/ac (0.2 L/ha)
In forage, fodder, straw and hay.6,7

For pea aphid control
81 ml/ac (0.2 L/ha)

For suppression of blue alfalfa aphid and spotted alfalfa aphid
81 ml/ac (0.2 L/ha)

For suppression of potato leaf hopper
81 to 162 ml/ac (0.2 to 0.4 L/ha)


2 Allow a minimum of 7 days between applications.
3 Do not make more than two sequential applications of Sefina insecticide before using an effective insecticide with a different mode of action.
4 Do not apply more than 1 L/ac (2.5 L/ha) per year.
5 Do not apply more than 162 ml/ac (0.4 L/ha) per year.
6 Refer to label for specific crops.
7 Do not apply more than 1.2 L/ha per year. Maximum of 4 applications per year.

Water Volume



In potatoes and soybeans

Ground application
40 to 80 L/ac (10 to 20 gal/ac)

Aerial application
20 L/ac (5 gal/ac) minimum

Mixing Order

  1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 full of clean water and start agitation.
  2. Add the correct amount of Sefina and continue to agitate until mixed.
  3. If tank mix is being applied, add the correct amount while continuing agitation.
  4. Clean the spray tank after use.

Application Tips

Ensure thorough and uniform coverage by using higher water volumes.

Pre-harvest Interval

0 days after application for forage, fodder, straw and hay.

7 days after application for potatoes and soybeans.

Tank Mixes

Contact BASF AgSolutions Customer Care or your BASF Sales Representative for more information on supported tank mixes.

Follow Crops

A plant-back interval of 30 days is required for all crops not on the label.

Resistance Management Recommendations

  • Insecticide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting and record keeping, and considers pest thresholds, as well as cultural, biological, and other chemical control practices
  • Before using an insecticide, correctly identify the pest and monitor population levels in the crop. Only treat if action thresholds (i.e., pest numbers or damage level) are met or if forecasting models expect them to be met
  • Where possible, rotate the use of insecticides with different insecticide groups that control the same pests
  • DO NOT exceed the total number of applications of insecticide per year
  • Use tank mixtures with insecticides from a different group that are effective on the target pest when such use is permitted
  • Monitor treated pest populations for resistance development
  • If you suspect resistance, contact BASF or your local extension specialist
  • For more information on insecticide resistance best management practices, visit https://manageresistancenow.ca/insects/