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Field of cereal crops
Sphaerex fungicide logo


Group 3

The improved cereal fungicide.

  • Helps improve yield and protect grain quality
  • Reliable fusarium head blight (FHB) efficacy to drive improved quality management
  • Sphaerex® fungicide provides management of leaf diseases in barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat
  • Wide window of application for flexible disease management 

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - cereals



Additional Resources

Benefits of Sphaerex

  • Sphaerex enhances yield by providing management of leaf diseases in barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat
  • Sphaerex provides reliable FHB efficacy for improved quality management in cereals
  • Allows for a flexible use pattern for a diversity of situations

Performance Trials

Higher yield potential with Sphaerex on wheat

Sphaerex Graph

Increased FHB efficacy with Sphaerex

Sphaerex comparison image

Reliable FHB management

Sphaerex Graph

Product Info & Application Guide

Diseases controlled

 Crop                 Disease               

Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)1

Fusarium head blight (Fusarium graminearum)2

Leaf rust (Puccinia hordei)

Net blotch (Pyrenophora teres)

Powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis)

Scald (Rhynchosporium secalis)

Spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus)3

Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis)


Crown rust (Puccinia coronata)

Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)1

Fusarium head blight (Fusarium graminearum)4

Stagonospora (Septoria) leaf blotch and black stem (Stagonospora avenae syn. Septoria avenae)

Rye and triticale 

Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)1

Fusarium head blight (Fusarium graminearum)5

Leaf rust (Puccinia recondita)

Powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis)

Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis)

Wheat (all types including durum wheat)

Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)1

Fusarium head blight (Fusarium graminearum)6

Leaf rust (Puccinia recondita)

Powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici)

Septoria/Stagonospora leaf blotch (Septoria tritici or Stagonospora nodorum)

Spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus)3

Stem rust (Puccinia graminis)

Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis)

Tan spot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis)

Application Tips

  • Sphaerex should be applied preventively, prior to the onset of disease.
  • Avoid application when heavy rain is forecasted.
  • Apply when conditions are favourable for disease development.
  • Restricted Entry Interval (REI) is 24 hours for all crops and activities.
  • All crops can be grazed or fed to livestock 30 days after application.
  • Do not apply Sphaerex beyond the anthesis stage (>GS 69) when kernels begin milk development stage (GS 70).
  • Do not make more than one application of Sphaerex per year.
  • Rotational crops: A plant-back interval of 35 days is required for all crops not listed on the label.


Pre-harvest interval

30 days after application for barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat. 

When to Apply

FHB Staging

Crop        FHB Staging
Barley 75% spike emergence to 3 days after full emergence1
Oats Early panicle to flowering2
Rye and triticale  Anthesis stage3
Wheat (durum, spring, winter) 75% head emergence to flowering4


1 Suppression at the 80 ac/case rate (0.53 L/ha).

2 For suppression of FHB, apply when 75-100% of the main stem barley spikes are emerged until 3 days later.

3 For suppression of spot blotch only.

4 For suppression of FHB, apply at anthesis stage or at early panicle stage when anthers are yellow to white.

5 For suppression of FHB, apply at early heading stage when anthers are yellow to white.

6 For suppression of FHB, apply Sphaerex as a preventative application, beginning when at least 75% of mainstem wheat heads are fully emerged until anthesis stage (Growth Stage (GS) 61-69), early heading stage when anthers are yellow to white. Optimal timing is at anthesis, or until 50% flower.

How Much to Apply

One case of Sphaerex treats 80 to 108 acres.

One drum treats 640 to 864 acres.


Barley, oats, rye, triticale, wheat (all types) 160 to 216 ml/ac (0.4 to 0.53 L/ha)


Water volume

Ground Application 40 L/ac (10 gal/ac)
Aerial application7 20 L/ac (5 gal/ac)


7 Aerial application can be lower than 20 L/ac (5 gal/ac) depending on target pathogen.


Mixing order

  1. Ensure the spray tank is clean before use.
  2. Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water and start agitation.
  3. Add the required amount of Sphaerex to the tank.
  4. Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the spray tank with water.
  5. After use, clean the spray tank according to the label precautions.