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Group 14

The new standard in pre-seed burndown control.

  • Improved burndown with increased activity, compared to Heat® LQ herbicide, on most broadleaf weeds
  • Enhanced residual consistency and weed spectrum, including cleavers, kochia and wild mustard
  • Contains the new unique active ingredient Tirexor®

Labels & SDS



Applicable On

applicable on - cereals


applicable on - field corn

Field Corn

applicable on - lentils


applicable on - peas


applicable on - soybeans


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Voraxor

  • Increased activity on most broadleaf weeds for improved burndown.
  • Enhanced residual suppression, including cleavers, kochia and wild mustard.
  • Includes innovative new Group 14 active ingredient Tirexor.

Performance Trials


Voraxor vs competitors, 14 to 21 days after treatment (DAT)

Aim EC herbicide vs. GoldWing herbicide vs. Voraxor

Raise the bar on burndown in pulses

Raise the bar on burndown in pulses

Better broadleaf weed control.

Better broadleaf weed control

Improved residual spectrum.

Improved residual spectrum

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Weed Class

List of Weeds

Broadleafs1 8-leaf (except where indicated)

Canada fleabane

Cleavers2 (4-whorl stage)

Dandelion3 (15 cm)

Hemp-nettle (4 leaf)

Kochia2 (15 cm)

Lamb’s quarters2

Narrow-leaved hawk’s beard (8 cm)

Redroot pigweed2

Round-leaved mallow



Volunteer canola2,4

Wild buckwheat2

Wild mustard2


1 Voraxor applied at 19.5 to 29 ml/ac (48 to 72 ml/ha) provides rapid burndown control of all weeds listed below.

2 Apply Voraxor at a rate of 40.5 to 58 ml/ac (100 to 144 ml/ha) for suppression of secondary flushes.

3 Top growth control only with glyphosate.

4 All types including Roundup Ready®.

Application Tips

Restricted entry interval –12 hours.
  • Avoid application when heavy rain is forecast.
  • Do not apply during periods of dead calm or when winds are gusty.


Pre-harvest interval

  • There is no required pre-harvest interval between a pre-seed or pre-emergent application and harvest.

When to Apply




Canary seed


Faba beans

Fall rye

Field Corn



Peas (dried field)



Wheat (incl. durum, spring and winter)

pre-seed and pre-emergence


Apply to actively growing weeds less than 15 cm in height.

How Much to Apply

One case of Voraxor herbicide will treat 30 to 80 acres, depending on rate. One case will treat 80 acres for burndown and 30 to 40 acres for residual control.



Lentils, canary seed, oats, triticale and fall rye

19.5 ml/ac (48 ml/ha)5

Field corn and soybeans

19.5 – 40.5 ml/ac (48 – 100 ml/ha)6

Faba beans, chickpeas, wheat (incl. durum, spring and winter), peas and barley

19.5 – 58 ml/ac (48 – 144 ml/ha)


19.5 – 29 ml/ac (48 – 72 ml/ha)


5 Rate restrictions apply. Do not use rate higher than 19.5 ml/ac (48 ml/ha) or injury could result.
6 Rate restrictions apply. Do not use higher than 40.5 ml/ac (100 ml/ha) or injury could result.



All applications

Merge adjuvant

200 – 400 ml/ac (0.5 – 1 L/ha)



Water volume

Ground application only

20 – 40 L/ha (5 to 10 gal/ac)



Mixing order

  1. Fill the clean spray tank 1/2 full with clean water. Start the agitation system. Agitation should be running during the entire mixing procedure.
  2. Add correct amount of Voraxor; continue agitation.
  3. Add the correct amount of herbicide tank-mix partner if required.
  4. Add in glyphosate and correct amount of Merge.
  5. Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the tank with water necessary to fill the spray tank.
  6. Continue agitation during application. After any break in spraying, agitate thoroughly before spraying again.
  7. Thoroughly clean the sprayer after use by flushing the system with clean water and detergent.

Tank Mixes

Herbicide for all crops


Herbicide for lentils, field corn, soybeans and peas (dried field), chickpeas and faba beans

Zidua® SC herbicide

Follow Crops

3 months after application7
Winter wheat


Plant back crops8
Barley, canary seed, chickpeas, dry field peas, faba beans, fall rye, field corn, lentils, oats, soybeans, triticale, wheat (spring, winter, durum)


Following season7
Barley, canary seed, canola, chickpeas, dry common beans, dry field peas, faba beans, flax, field corn, lentils, mustard, oats, soybeans, triticale, wheat (spring, durum) 


7 Following a spring application of Voraxor.
8 To be planted in the same season in case of crop failure. Rate restrictions apply. Lentils, field corn and soybeans can only be grown as plant back crops provided that a maximum product rate of 19.5 ml/ac (48 ml/ha) for lentils and 40.5 ml/ac (100 ml/ha) for field corn and soybeans was applied in the previous crop. A second application of Voraxor cannot be made in the rescue crop. Crops can also be planted in the next season following chemfallow treatment applied after August 1.


Contact your local BASF AgSolutions® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information.