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product logo - Banvel II

Banvel II

Group 4

Improved broadleaf weed control.

  • Controls tough broadleaf and perennial weeds in field corn and dicamba-tolerant soybeans
  • Flexible tank-mix options for in-crop applications and control

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - cereals


Labels & SDS



Benefits of Banvel II

Banvel II can be tank mixed and used in pre-seed applications or in-crop applications or other applications in pasture, rangeland grasses and non-crop areas.


Registered crops for in-crop applications

  • Canary seed
  • Dicamba-tolerant soybeans1
  • Field corn
  • Pasture grasses
  • Red fescue (new seedling)
  • Red fescue (established)
  • Seedling grasses

1 Apply by ground ONLY to dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Soybean varieties that are not designated as dicamba-tolerant will be damaged or destroyed by this treatment.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

In-crop application in canary seed and seedling forage grasses.

Buckwheat (tartary, wild)
Canada thistle4,5
Corn spurry
Cow cockle
Green smartweed
Lady's thumb
Perennial sow thistle4,5


Post-emergence in field corn7, and dicamba-tolerant soybeans.

Buckwheat (tartary, wild)
Canada fleabane8
Canada thistle4,5
Corn spurry
Cow cockle
Field bindweed5
Green smartweed
Lady's thumb
Lamb’s quarters9
Perennial sow thistle4,5
Ragweed (common9, false, giant)
Redroot pigweed9
Russian pigweed


Pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas.

Canada thistle4,5
Curled dock4
English daisy
Field bindweed5
Goat’s beard6
Ground cherry6
Knapweed (diffuse)6
Pasture sage6
Perennial sow thistle4,5
Poverty weed6
Ragwort (tansy)
Sheep sorrel6
Thyme-leaved spurge6


3 For a complete list of proper weed staging, please refer to the product label.

4 Top growth only.

5 Apply Banvel II herbicide annually for three years at the flowering stage of bindweed and the budding stage of thistles.

6 Controlled with higher rate of Banvel II. See label for details.

7 Controlled by Banvel II alone at 243 - 505 ml/ac (0.6 - 1.25 L/ha).

8 Post-emergence only.

9 Includes atrazine-resistant species.

Application Tips

Pre-harvest interval

For application to dicamba-tolerant soybeans: 7 - 10 days after application for soybean forage and 13 - 15 days after application for soybean hay.



  • Do not permit lactating dairy animals to graze fields within 7 days after application.
  • Do not harvest forage or cut hay within 30 days after application.
  • Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter.
  • Following treatment with Banvel II plus any other herbicide tank mix: Do not graze or harvest for livestock feed prior to crop maturity; sufficient data are not available to support such use.

When to Apply


Crop Stage

Canary seed

3 - 5 leaf

Dicamba-tolerant soybeans1

pre-seed, pre-emergence, post-emergence (early flower)

Field corn

up to 50 cm tall2

Pasture grasses

established, actively growing

Red fescue (new seedling)

5 cm

Red fescue (established)


Seedling grasses

2 - 4 leaf


1 Apply by ground ONLY to dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Soybean varieties that are not designated as dicamba-tolerant will be damaged or destroyed by this treatment.

2 Broadcast spray up to 20 cm, larger corn plants require drop nozzles.

How Much to Apply

One case of Banvel II herbicide will treat 165 - 220 acres, depending on crop.


In-crop application.10, 11

Canary seed

117 ml/ac (290 ml/ha)

Field corn 2
Dicamba-tolerant soybeans1, 12, 13, 14

243 - 505 ml/ac
(0.6 - 1.25 L/ha)

Seedling grasses

93 - 117 ml/ac
(230 - 289 ml/ha)

Red fescue

243 ml/ac (600 ml/ha)


Pasture, rangeland and non-crop areas10,11

For brush weed control15

0.85 - 1.48 L/ac
(2.1 - 3.66 L/ha)

For broadleaf weed control

0.85 - 1.8 L/ac
(2.1 - 4.4 L/ha)


Tank mixes

Herbicides for the following crops

  • Corn: Accent® 16, Option® 17
  • Dicamba-tolerant soybeans: Roundup WeatherMAX® with Transorb®2


Mixing Instructions

  1. Use a 50 mesh filter screen.
  2. Fill clean tank with 1/2 of the required amount of clean water and agitate during the entire mixing procedure.
  3. Add the required amount of Banvel II herbicide.
  4. If tank mixing, add the appropriate tank-mix partner now.
  5. Add the rest of the water to the spray tank and maintain sufficient agitation during mixing and spraying to ensure a uniform spray mixture.


1 Apply by ground ONLY to dicamba-tolerant soybeans. Soybean varieties that are not designated as dicamba-tolerant will be damaged or destroyed by this treatment.

2 Broadcast spray up to 20 cm, larger corn plants require drop nozzles.

10 See label for a complete list of additional available tank mixes and their rates. Tank mix options are not included in the case.

11 See label for water rate application.

12 Banvel II can be used alone or in tank mix with Roundup WeatherMAX with Transorb 2 Technology Liquid Herbicide for additional broadleaf and grass weed control. See label for important details on rates. 

13 The 505 ml/ac rate is to be used only once in a season and should be used pre-plant, pre-emergence or in crop early post-emergence.

14 991 ml/ac of Banvel II is the maximum total to be applied in a single growing season year.

15 Must be applied in tank mix, see label for tank mix partners.

16 Prairie provinces only.

17 Only in the province of Manitoba.

Follow Crops

No follow-crop restrictions in the season following application.