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canola crop field
product logo - Facet L herbicide

Facet L

Group 4

Got cleavers?
Don’t let them affect your bottom line.


For years, managing cleavers in canola has been a challenge. But not anymore. Facet® L herbicide puts you in control of cleavers to help safeguard the yield potential of your InVigor® hybrid canola. The unique liquid formulation complements Liberty® herbicide for enhanced control of cleavers up to 6 whorls. So, in addition to the satisfaction of payback, you’ll also enjoy a nice payout.

  • Compliments Liberty® herbicide for enhanced control of cleavers
  • Widest window of crop application, from pre-seed to 6-leaf
  • Easy-to-use liquid formulation
  • Versatile rate range

Labels & SDS



Applicable On

applicable on - canola


Labels & SDS

Additional Resources



Benefits of Facet L

  • Complements Liberty® 150 herbicide for enhanced control of cleavers
  • Easy-to-use liquid formulation
  • Consistent control with both contact and systemic activity when tank mixed with Liberty 150 herbicide

Performance Trials


Enhanced cleavers control when tank mixed with Liberty

Graph - Liberty + Facet L vs. Liberty

Facet L Applied in-crop

In Crop Example - Liberty + Facet L vs. Liberty

ROI Calculator

Cleavers affect your bottom line in more ways than one. Not only do they reduce yield potential by stealing valuable resources from your crop, they can also reduce quality. A canola sample contaminated with more than 1% cleavers seed will be downgraded, leading to a substantial loss of revenue. See how effectively managing this weed benefits your bottom line.

Product Info & Application Guide

Weed Management

Weeds Controlled



Annual sow thistle2 - 2 to 6 leaf

Cleavers3 - 1 to 6 whorls1

Perennial sow thistle2 - 2 to 6 leaf

Volunteer flax - 1 to 8 cm          


Barnyard grass - 1 to 5 leaf

Green foxtail4 - up to 2 tillers


1 When tank mixed with Liberty 150 herbicide.
2 Suppression only.
3 For control of secondary flushes, apply pre-seed at a higher application rate of 279 ml/ac (690 ml/ha).
4 For suppression of secondary flushes, apply pre-seed at a higher application rate of 279 ml/ac (690 ml/ha).

Application Tips

Rainfastness – 6 hours

Restricted entry interval - 12 hours.
Should the product freeze, warm to 5oC prior to use.

Pre-harvest interval

60 days after application for canola.

When to Apply




pre-seed/pre-emergence to 6 leaf

How Much to Apply

Tank mixed with Liberty 150 herbicide, one case of Facet® L herbicide will treat 160 acres at the recommended in-crop rate of 113 ml/ac.


Application rate


Pre-seed/pre-emergence – 227 to 279 ml/ac (560 to 690 ml/ha)

In-crop tank-mix with Liberty 150 herbicide – 113 to 227 ml/ac (279 to 560 ml/ha)

Merge® adjuvant5 (see product label) – 0.5% v/v (e.g. 500 ml per 100 L spray solution)


5 Merge adjuvant may be required and is not included in the case. For additional information and tank mixes, see product label.


Water volume

Ground application only    

40 L/ac (10 gal/ac)


Mixing order

  1. Always start with a clean sprayer. Refer to previously applied product labels for specific cleaning instructions.
  2. Fill the clean spray tank ½ full of water and start agitation or by-pass system. Continue agitation throughout mixing procedure.
  3. Facet L plus glyphosate pre-seed/pre-emergence: add pH adjuster/AMS (optional), then Facet L, then glyphosate, then Merge, in sequential order.6
  4. LibertyLink® System: add Liberty 150, then Facet L, then Merge, in sequential order.6
  5. LibertyLink System with Centurion® herbicide: add Amigo® adjuvant, then Liberty 150, then Facet L, then Centurion, in sequential order.6
  6. Continue agitating while adding the remaining amount of water.


6 Follow labels for ingredient volumes and agitate 2 to 3 minutes between steps. 

Tank Mixes

Herbicide for LibertyLink canola:

Liberty 150 and Merge at 0.5% v/v
Amigo7, Liberty 150 and Centurion8


7 Amigo rates vary according to the rate of Centurion. Consult the label for details.
8 Case includes the adjuvant.


Contact your local BASF AgSolutions® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information on supported tank mixes.

Follow Crops

0 months (same season)
Barley (spring)
Wheat (spring, durum)

10 months after application
Field peas

22 months after application


Why is there a higher rate (0.23 L/ac) of Facet® L herbicide for a Clearfield® Production System herbicide and glyphosate tank mix?

For enhanced and more consistent control of cleavers (especially mixed populations of Group 2- and non-Group 2-resistant cleavers) and suppression of secondary flushes, tank mix 170 ml/ac to 227 ml/ac of Facet L herbicide with 244 ml/ac of Ares® herbicide. Use the higher rate of Facet L when cleavers densities are high, staging is late or for improved residual control.

What level of control can I expect from Facet® L herbicide?

Facet L herbicide will greatly improve the level of cleavers control, when compared to using Liberty® herbicide alone. When tank mixed with Liberty, Facet L provides consistent control with both contact and systemic activity.

What tank-mix partners can I use with Liberty® herbicide to optimize its efficacy?

Before deciding on a tank-mix partner, scout your fields to know what your weed population looks like. By tank mixing Liberty herbicide with Centurion® ADV herbicide, you enhance your grassy weed control. By adding Facet® L herbicide to the mix, you provide your fields with enhanced cleavers control.

How does Facet® L herbicide compare to Command® herbicide?

Facet L herbicide offers industry-leading, consistent control of cleavers with both systemic and contact activity (when tank mixed with Liberty® herbicide) for improved efficacy. It also provides flexibility to apply in-crop to effectively respond to pressure from cleavers.

When should I do a pre-seed vs. an in-crop Facet® L herbicide application?

When used in-crop, Facet L herbicide provides cost-effective industry-leading control of cleavers and the flexibility to respond to any weed pressure. Pre-seed application is only recommended when there is heavy pressure of over-wintered cleavers.

Is water required for pre-seed residual activation of Facet® L?

Yes, good moisture conditions after its application raise the efficacy of the product. However, any rainfall within 6 hours of application will reduce its effectiveness.

Are there any crops I can’t seed the year after a Facet® L herbicide application?

Yes, there are three crops - flax, lentils and soybeans that require a 22-month re-cropping interval.

Can I use Facet® L herbicide pre-seed/pre-emerge and again in-crop?

Facet L herbicide can only be applied to a field once every second year, or to a maximum of 125 g ai/ha (equivalent to the 65 ac/case rate).