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Group 3

New and innovative pulse fungicide.

  • Pulse fungicide designed and researched in Western Canada
  • Proven performance on all major pulse diseases regardless of pathogen’s Group 11 resistance status
  • Effective on early- and late-season diseases to help improve yield across crops1
  • Powered by the latest BASF technology, Revysol®, for broader, stronger, and longer management of diseases


1 BASF Small Plot Trials, Saskatchewan, 2020

Labels & SDS


Applicable On

applicable on - field peas

Field Peas

applicable on - lentils


  • Chickpeas
  • Faba beans
  • Dry beans


Additional Resources

Benefits of RevyPro

  • Powered by the latest BASF technology, Revysol®, for broader, stronger and longer management of diseases
  • Fast uptake for enhanced preventative and post-infection activity
  • Consistent efficacy in all major pulse diseases regardless of the pathogen’s Group 11 resistance status1


1 BASF Small Plot Trials, Saskatchewan, 2020

Performance Trials


Healthier lentil fields with RevyPro® fungicide*

lentils fields with RevyPro fungicide

Yield protection in lentils with RevyPro

yield in lentils with RevyPro bar graph

Anthracnose control in lentils

anthracnose control in lentils bar graph

Mycosphaerella blight control in field peas

mycosphaerella blight control in field peas bar graph

Product Info & Application Guide

Diseases Controlled

Crops Diseases
Chickpeas, dry beans, faba beans, fields peas and lentils

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum lentis, C. lindemuthianum)2,3

Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta spp.)3

Gray mould/Chocolate spot (Botrytis cinerea)4

Mycosphaerella blight (Mycosphaerella pinodes)3,5

Powdery mildew (Erysiphe pisi)4

White mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)6


2 In lentils and dry beans only.
3 Including populations resistant to Group 11 chemistry.
4 Suppression.
5 In field peas only.
6 Control in lentils, field peas, chickpeas and faba beans; suppression in dry beans.

Application Tips

Rainfastness – Do not apply when heavy rain is forecast.

Restricted entry interval – 12 hours.
Use at least the minimum water volumes to ensure thorough coverage of foliage. See guidelines above.

Pre-harvest interval
21 days after application for all labelled crops.

When to Apply

Crops Staging
Chickpeas, dry beans, faba beans, fields peas and lentils Apply at the beginning of flowering or at the onset of symptoms. If second application is required, apply a fungicide containing an alternative mode of action 10 to 14 days after first application.

How Much to Apply

One case of RevyPro treats 40 acres. One drum treats 320 acres.

In chickpeas, dry beans, faba beans, fields peas and lentils 405 ml/ac (1.0 L/ha)


Water volume

Ground application 10 gal/ac (100 L/ha)
Aerial application      5 gal/ac (50 L/ha)


Mixing order

1.    Ensure the spray tank is clean before use. Follow the clean-out recommendations stated on the label of the product that was previously used.

2.    Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water and start agitation.

3.    Add the required amount of RevyPro to the tank.

4.    Add the required amount of the tank-mix partner (if applicable).

5.    Continue agitation while filling the remainder of the spray tank.

6.    After use, clean the spray tank according to label precautions.